Real Name
Toni Allen
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
My library is very eclectic. My taste in novels ranges from Dick Francis(my favourite author)for an adrenaline pumping thriller to Georgette Heyer for a bit of Regency romance, and back to Mark Lawrence for some dystopian fantasy. I also own a wide range of non-fiction and have a large collection of books on art, including a few treasured reproductions of illuminated manuscripts.
About Me
I'm the author of five books, one translated into Italian; a photographer of note; a columnist; and an acclaimed Tarot reader and astrologer. My series, Jake Talbot Investigates, began with Visiting Lilly (2014) and Saving Anna (2015) and will continue with Finding Louisa (2016). I live in Surrey, England, where I happily include pink grasshoppers in my macro-photography.
Surrey, England
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