
dogs (195), dog training (118), history (97), culture (70), natural history (67), cognitive science (44), ethology (42), biography (37), body language (34), reference (34), geology (33), evolution (29), dog lit (27), prose (27), fiction (23), gardening (21), theory of mind (21), perception (20), psychology (20), canine health (20), cooking (19), implicit thought (18), environment (16), chemistry (14), space (14), science (12), senses (11), hydrology (10), mathematics (10), developmental psychology (10), foraging (10), writing (9), first aid (9), statistics (9), wolves (9), behavioral science (9), communication (9), cookbook (9), stress (9), competitive obedience (8), mindfulness (8), recipes (8), aggression (7), hydrogeology (7), preserving food (7), smell (7), livestock (7), ethics (6), religion (6), business (6), training (6), autobiography (6), animal behavior (6), behaviorism (6), fear (6), operant conditioning (5), sociology (5), dogma (5), learning theory (5), generic (5), motivation (5), how-to (5), nature (5), stockdogs (5), genetics (5), accessibility (5), animal training (5), geochemistry (4), water (4), law (4), problem behavior (4), cognition (4), phenomenology (4), beautiful prose (4), etiquette (4), local (4), territory (4), framing (4), puppies (4), scent (4), photography (4), time (4), umwelt (4), choice (4), wine (3), cull (3), humor (3), animal welfare (3), field guide (3), behavior problems (3), vision (3), antarctica (3), autism (3), utter crap (3), logical fallacies (3), theories of mind (3), brilliant (3), hierarchy (3), agility (3), dog obedience (3), brewing (3), language (3), architecture (3), chickens (3), art (3), riparian (3), prior appropriation (3), preparedness (2), socialization (2), perfume (2), substitutions (2), dog shows (2), emergencies (2), philosophy (2), breeds (2), sewing (2), personal space (2), categorization (2), newfoundland (2), Owens Valley (2), recommended (2), illustrated (2), skills (2), groundwater (2), number theory (2), diet (2), dry (2), hunting (2), classic (2), self improvement (2), animal nutrition (2), encyclopedic (2), classical conditioning (2), marketing (2), climate (2), temperament test (2), bees (2), mirror neurons (2), emotions (2), developmental behavior (2), exploration (2), pets (2), structure (2), poetry (2), dogs as social mirrors (2), wolf hybrids (2), historical (2), physiology (2), health (2), geography (2), natural science (2), pet first aid (1), dogs. dog training (1), emotion (1), controversial (1), movement (1), understanding animals (1), kindle (1), gentleman farmer (1), phenomenoloogy (1), veterinarians (1), KINDLE (1), digital download from googlebooks (1), Post is much better (1), brain work (1), scientific method (1), geochemsitry (1), fascinating (1), when all you have is a hammer (1), beautifully well organized (1), spin (1), wild dog (1), Rosetta Bone (1), BEING WITH DOGS (1), NB 7 (1), omphaloskepsis (1), over gloried travel guide (1), fact-filled (1), meat (1), acquisitiveness (1), disaster (1), working dogs (1), implicit learning (1), von uexkull (1), obedience training (1), human animal bond (1), Mulhulland (1), gut feeling (1), counseling (1), cognitive unconscious (1), PR (1), reading dogs (1), counter conditioning (1), class manual (1), breed ban (1), audio (1), tacit mode (1), feedback loops (1), dog bite statistics (1), water wars (1), propaganda (1), statstics (1), competition (1), fruit (1), kennel club (1), hyena (1), Cooperation (1), unexpected (1), training exercises (1), complex (1), africa (1), biology (1), hubris (1), consumerism (1), planning (1), engineering (1), TMI (1), Los Angeles (1), history of science (1), spirituality (1), networks (1), beekeeping (1), wild animals (1), basic (1), context (1), animals (1), nutrition (1), organic (1), safety (1), suburbia (1), game (1), historical fiction (1), historical novel (1), boring (1), freedom (1), thought-provoking (1), psychological (1), mental (1), seminal (1), healing (1), beautiful (1), materialism (1), repair (1), minnesota (1), compendium (1), feminism (1), dog (1), insightful (1), observation (1), metaphor (1), ecology (1), flight (1), conservation (1), fight (1), organization (1), self employment (1), outside the box (1), disappointing (1), critical thought (1), natural horsemanship (1), physics (1), companion planting (1), population growth (1), schadenfreude (1), fermentation (1), boundaries (1), choreography (1), women (1), pet owners (1), nonequilibrium (1), dog trainers (1), Koehler (1), conformation (1), spatial relations (1), akc (1), noble savage (1), triads (1), psychotherapy (1), expression (1), satire (1), cycles (1), don't bother (1), repetitive (1), circus (1), play (1), sense (1), dog behavior (1), exercises (1), environmental science (1), tracking (1), visual (1), literature (1), physical (1), mastery (1), video (1), nonverbal communication (1), jackal (1), attention (1), massage (1), very little phenology (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
Feb 11, 2008
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
Just a cross-section of the pile-o-stuff I've collected and feel compelled to keep adding on to.
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Middle-aged dog trainer and gentlewoman farmer wannabe. Reads too many books. Spends too much time on the computer. I am a cynic, cook, gardener, hiker and environmental scientist.
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