
Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
Sep 18, 2010
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
Ok, so I got this account during my late high school years, and I've been reading since before I was three, so rest assured, this list most certainly does not contain all the books I've ever read (or ever owned). It does, however, contain the ones that were noteworthy enough for me to remember. And of course, I will be updating it constantly, becausehardly a day goes by that I don't find some interesting new book to read.

Oh, and fyi, I'm a major otaku, or anime/manga fanatic, as well as an avid reader. Yet, as I did not feel like cataloguing my extensive manga collection all over again on this site, you can find it on my My Anime List profile, if you are interested. The link is the website section.
About Me
Really, I've done this spiel on so many different sites, you'd think I'd be used to writing about myself. But I'm not, so please, bear with me if I start babbling at certain points.

I'm a young American woman currently in the process of studying to be an archeologist. I have an inate fascination with any and all things to do with the ancient Near East, which is the current focus of my studies. I hope to someday be able to go on digs all around the world, but until that happens, I'm stuck just reading about them.

I also, as you might have been able to guess from my name, have a complete and utter love (bordering on obsession, at times) of faeries. And yes, I spelled that correctly. I mean Faeries, not your typical Disney Tinkerbell fairies. I'm talking Dark creatures of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. If you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I suggest reading Melissa Marr's "Wicked Lovely". It's an excellent look into the real world of the Fey.

My current favorite activities are reading, writing stories, swimming, and archery. I don't get to do that last one as much as I'd like to, but I love it none the less.

I'm a complete and utter klutz, and gravity is my mortal enemy. I am constantly fighting a losing battle with the laws of physics, but I swear, someday I will win!!!

Well, that's about all I can think of to write for now. I'll update this section as I think of it from time to time or when something ubelievably exciting happens in my life. Whichever comes first.
The Unseelie Realm
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