
fiction (36), illustrations (30), dialogue (22), punctuation (20), vocab (16), repetition (14), illustration (11), table of contents (11), vocabulary (10), moral (9), humorous (9), poetry (9), rhyming (8), imagination (8), tone of voice (8), commas (7), introduction (6), wordless book (5), rhythm (5), lesson (5), rhyme (5), fairy tale (5), historical fiction (5), index (4), humor (4), rime (4), descriptions (4), character development (4), creativity (4), fable (4), story line (4), racism (3), sentence length (3), fluency (3), story development (3), adventure (3), narrator (3), strength (3), speech/ thought bubbles (3), mystery (3), Fiction (3), adjectives (3), creative (3), comic style (3), funny (3), personification (2), realistic fiction (2), hard work (2), word placement on page (2), titles (2), author notes (2), questions (2), interactive (2), description (2), suspense (2), rhymes (2), chapter book (2), family (2), adding sounds (2), similes (2), multiple subjects (2), plot line (2), educational (2), civil-rights movement (2), be yourself (2), alphabet (2), labels (2), paragraphs (2), acknowledgements (2), informational (2), historical (2), courage (2), success (2), imagery (2), good for first day of school (2), big book (2), poems (2), descriptive (2), asking questions (2), fun (2), repetition/ rhythm (2), story progression (1), answering questions (1), using humor (1), having a dream (1), poetry like (1), strong protagonist (1), be careful what you say/ do (1), This was powerful! (1), good for asking questions (1), rhyme/don't rhyme (1), interactive writing lesson (1), plot change (1), fallow you're dreams (1), riming (1), break up text & pictures (1), homophone/homonym/homograph (1), current issue (1), literal vs. figurative (1), moral/lesson (1), different styles of poetry (1), agriculture (planting trees) (1), Authors notes (1), long/short (1), culture in Haiti (1), diverse background (1), sticking up for your dreams (1), short stories making a book (1), text in several places on a page (1), adding facts in an interesting way. (1), emotional connection (1), varied lengths (1), different size pages (1), poems/ short stories (1), adding facts (1), same author and illustrator (1), different peoples lives (1), starting with same sentence (1), two subject (math/lit) (1), vocab (ballet terms) (1), get to know others stories (1), tell the truth/ honesty (1), becoming the U.S. (1), division/ remainders (1), movement of poems across the page (1), don't rime (1), dictionary definition (1), words spread across the page (1), growing/ progression (1), rime mixed with not rime (1), kind of end notes (1), thought & question provoking (1), cut outs on the pages (1), poem structure (way the poem is written on the page) (1), comic style (more than one to a page) (1), rime not rime (1), some classic (1), index x3 (1), definition of vocab on the page it occurs (1), varied structure (1), schema building (1), create new words (1), help the enviornment (1), dealing with friends (1), theme of trying (1), font size and color (1), giving answers (1), adding sound (1), creating list (1), bringing story full circle (1), font size. word movement on page (1), fiction and informational text (1), additional sources (1), varied length (1), science themes (1), two points of view for same story (1), progression (eggs hatch and become birds) (1), good writing strategy (1), same lines reversed order (1), story line/ progression (1), writing from different point of view (1), boy builds snowman (1), desegregating schools (1), female in history (1), fight for your dreams (1), discussions about creating a nation (1), building anticipation (1), beginning and end not poetry (1), clarifying notes at the end (1), copy of the constitution (1), fun idea (1), good for comparing with other versions of Cinderella (1), sayings people know (1), definitions in the back (1), every word starts with the pages letter (1), music in the back (1), form of Cinderella (1), spin on Rapunzel (1), introduction to revolutionary war (1), end notes with facts (1), writing dates in the text (1), good for teaching places (cities & states) (1), spin on sleeping beauty (1), good for inferring or predicting (1), spin on Cinderella (1), embedded facts (1), full circle (1), varied text (1), categories (1), non-fiction (1), spelling (1), glossary (1), quotes (1), scientific (1), lists (1), calendar (1), protagonist (1), encouraging (1), phenomenon (1), end notes (1), women in history (1), bibliography (1), transitions (1), relatable (1), title (1), nonviolence (1), Alphabet (1), based on true story (1), colors (1), dashes (1), counting (1), women's suffrage (1), sea creatures (1), picture book (1), collection (1), fonts (1), adversity (1), informative (1), fairy tales (1), maps (1), philosophical (1), lessons (1), equality (1), thought provoking (1), banned book (1), history (1), foreshadowing (1), parable (1), engaging (1), morals (1), story telling (1), problem solving (1), map (1), memories (1), family tree (1), strong female (1), music (1), nonfiction (1), emotions (1), biography (1), allusion (1), adoption (1), word play (1), captions (1), pop outs (1), letter play (1), atlas (1), astronomy (1), mythology (1), classic (1), fun fonts (1), rhyme and rhythm (1), open ending (1), journal style (1), speech bubble (1), colons (1), learning a lesson (1), index of authors (1), power (1), fun story (1), question and answer (1), index of titles (1), authors notes (1), about the book (1), writing the constitution (1), acknowledgments (1), semicolon (1), index of first lines (1), winter theme (1), traditional children's song (1), holiday (1), proverbs (1), months (1), sequencing (1), speech bubbles (1), friends (1), eco-friendly (1), brainstorming (1), telling time (1), questioning (1), saying sorry (1), historical facts (1), diagram (1), comparisons (1), traditional story (1), Montgomery bus boycott (1), forgiveness (1), creating words (1), pronunciation guide (1), weird illustrations (1), children's song (1), climax (1), thought bubbles (1), non-violence (1), plot (1), controversial (1), activity (1), facts (1), popular (1), for younger age (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
Aug 20, 2013