
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
Aug 25, 2006
About Me
I am (above all things) straight edge vegan. I am an atheist. I am a feminist. I'm an expatriot too. I don't impose my beliefs/values on others though. I also have Asperger's Syndrome--and am PROUD of it!

I will soon be applying for a student visa to live/study in Wales--the place that I have come to love very much (it's become my true home). I am applying to University of Wales Aberystwyth, Trinity College Carmarthen, Swansea Institute of Higher Education, and University of Wales Institute Cardiff. I cannot wait to leave the states!

My pet peeves include: prejudice, bigotry, smoking, alcohol, drugs, people who eat/wear/experiment on animals, Dictator Bush, fundamentalists who impose their views on others, junkfood, greed, aggression, consumerism, confrontation, tactlessness, conventionality, chauvanism, sexism, ageism, racism, lookism, speciesism, materialism, the media, papparazzis, violence, weapons, NRA, letter grades, capitalism, big business/corporations, scales, math, GPAs, and narrow-minded/shallow people.

My interests are: my boyfriend, painting, drawing, sculpture, veganism, cats, all other animals, Sculpey, claymation, expatriotism, learning Welsh, ecofeminism, anarcha-feminism, animal liberation, sexual liberation, alternatives to marriage, atheism, WALES, Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Iceland, Asperger's Syndrome, unschooling, voluntary euthanasia, no letter grades, no GPAs, no scales, genealogy, card games, board games, holistic health, alternative/herbal medicine, art therapy, and Montessori Schools.