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My original The Assassin’s Wife audiobook review and many others can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”

Eric Coles was dead, shot by a sniper. He died in Meg Coles arms.His last words telling her he was sorry, he wasn’t who she thought he was, and to get the wooden box and run for her life. Meg is now on the run with Neil, her neighbors brother(?). During the next few days she will become a fugitive. Someone very powerful is behind the murder and the attempts on her life. She quickly learns not to trust anyone but the people Eric told her to.

There was a lot of action in this story. It bounced around the upper northwest part of the states and even into Alaska. I checked up on some of the places mentioned and they were there. I really liked the Snake River and Hell’s canyon parts. It’s just as Weston stated.The one problem I had with the whole plot was that Meg, a drama professor with no gun or fighting talents, watched a video Eric left for her and was an instant Superwoman. Also, that she got into fights and just bounced back up and overcame the professional assassins. Just a little hard to believe. I’m not saying I didn’t like the book,
I did, but I did.

It started at the top of the rollercoaster, took off, and never let up. I started this audio book in the morning and finished in the evening. Just loved the audio. With the right reader you can live the action with the characters, and did Ms. Kitty ever deliver. Just loved the way she told this story. Her voice was clear and articulate. Brought them to life, it was fantastic.

I thought the cover was right on. The best action was on the river.

Audiobook provided for review by the author.
audiobibliophile | 1 outra resenha | Nov 19, 2015 |
This review was written by the author.
This is my first novel by Roger Weston, and I love his story-telling skills. Apparently I've been living under a rock since I haven't gotten acquainted with his work before. The fact that the author has spent time on many ships lends depth and credibility to the tale. His use of historical details adds a layer of interest to the story.

Professor Jake Sands is reminiscent of Indiana Jones with awesome fighting and sailing skills. He's a collector of Captains logs from old ships. When he gets the chance to explore the Queen Mary before it's final voyage, it leads him into a terrible conspiracy fraught with danger. The highly successful madman villain is totally believable and scary...It grabbed me from the beginning, and I read straight through. If you're looking for a fast-paced read, this will fit the bill....Five stars overall
RogerWeston | Apr 25, 2015 |
This review was written by the author.
Loved this book. I can't wait to read more about Chuck Brant. It is.exciting and entertaining.It was a quick read and went by much too quickly. I will certainly read more Roger Weston
RogerWeston | Apr 24, 2015 |
This review was written by the author.
The Handler is a typical Weston style plot, fast-paced with lots of action. I have commented before that Weston's books are modern versions of "Boys Own" adventures. This one does not disappoint! As a bolt of energy released onto the unsuspecting reader, this plot has no rivals.
RogerWeston | Apr 24, 2015 |
This review was written by the author.
If you like thrillers, espionage, and mystery along with a healthy dose of wild country, grab this book and be prepared to be unable to put it down.

"A Jennifer Garner Role? Fast paced adventure, lots of plain killing but no stretched out gory details. Good beach read and I liked."
RogerWeston | 1 outra resenha | Apr 24, 2015 |
This review was written by the author.
The master of assassin novels, Vince Flynn, now has serious competition. Roger Weston uses the opening paragraph, even the first sentence, to grab your attention and hold on to you till the end of the first chapter. Drawing you from the edge of your seat into the second chapter, Roger continues the exciting pace of the story, never slowing down, till he reaches the end. Frank Murdoch is the assassin with a conscience and a heart. He portrays the good and the bad in each of us, exposing our strength and weakness.
RogerWeston | Apr 24, 2015 |
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