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63 Works 2,318 Membros 47 Reviews 5 Favorited

About the Author

Inclui os nomes: licia trosi, Licia Troisi


Obras de Licia Troisi

I dannati di Malva (2008) 25 cópias
Le creature del mondo emerso (2008) 24 cópias
Pandora (2014) 12 cópias
L'isola del santuario (2018) 7 cópias
La secta de los asesinos (2012) 2 cópias
EJDER KIZ 3 ALDIBAHIN KUM SAATİ (2017) 1 exemplar(es)
Las dos guerreras (2013) 1 exemplar(es)
Ejder Kız - Thuban'ın Mirası (2010) 1 exemplar(es)
Ejder Kız -2: İdhunn'ın Ağacı (2017) 1 exemplar(es)
Ejder Kiz - 5. Kitap: Son Savas (2013) 1 exemplar(es)
Cronache del mondo emerso vol. 4 (2012) 1 exemplar(es)


Conhecimento Comum

Nome padrão
Troisi, Licia
Data de nascimento
Local de nascimento
Rome, Italy
Pequena biografia
I was born in Rome on November 25 1980. I began to enjoy writing more or less when I learned to read. The first favolette I wrote dating to 1987 and the game are collected in a volume bound in tape that was titled The Thousand and One ... Licia, a title for anything yet demanding. Eight years I have written a novel, "I also have done bind, and is now the highest shelf of my library. It is along the beauty of twenty pages and is entitled Sindy and Mindy, has the atmosphere inspired by the cartoon strappalacrime that followed at lovley Sarah. I attended the school and in that time I wrote the diary and some story. A couple of times I have grappled with poetry, which is finally trying a genre that is not for me (I am really denied), but I lacked a long history around which to vent my desire to write.
After high school, I entered the Faculty of Physics and I graduated in astrophysics December 17 2004, the date memorable. During the years of university, in addition to know my current husband, I began to read comics, especially manga, and know some 'best the world of fantasy. So, at 21 years I have finally found the story I was looking and I started to write the Chronicles of the World revealed. I wish there was one and a half years for finirle and six months to make a first rough correction, after which, without too many hopes, I sent the manuscript of the only publishing house which knew the address, the Mondadori. After three months I came the fateful phone call in April of 2004 my book has arrived in the library.
Currently Doctoral student in astronomy.
As for my tastes, much love music, especially rock and classical (proverbial my passion for Muse), I read a lot (or I would not be able to write even one line), I read many comic books and I like cinema .



Forse tre stelle sono tante per questo fantasy semplice semplice, prevedibile e un po' "da manuale".Ma quel che conta è che sia piacevole alla lettura, no? :)
kenshin79 | outras 14 resenhas | Jul 25, 2023 |
Hace siglos, el Mundo Emergido pertenecía a los elfos, criaturas purísimas que vivían en armonía con la naturaleza… pero los hombres y los gnomos pusieron fi n a su vida pacífi ca al invadir sus tierras…
Ya han transcurrido cuarenta años desde que terminó la gran guerra que puso fi n a la sed de conquista de Aster el Tirano, pero el Mundo Emergido sigue sin encontrar la paz. Dohor, Caballero del Dragón convertido en rey de la Tierra del Sol, está extendiendo lentamente su infl uencia sobre el resto de las Tierras Emergidas. Pero no es el único que conspira por el poder. La misteriosa Gilda de los Asesinos, cuyos miembros viven consagrados al asesinato en todas sus formas, ha resucitado el terrible y sanguinario culto a Aster. Para llevar a cabo sus oscuros planes, la Gilda busca por todas partes adeptos y guerreros como Dubhe, quien, a los diecisiete años, es la ladrona más hábil de la Tierra del Sol, capaz de entrar como una sombra en las casas mejor guardadas y sustraer todo cuanto haya de valor.… (mais)
Natt90 | Nov 29, 2022 |
Degna conclusione della trilogia, molto scorrevole e con un finale molto carino.
Clippi94 | outras 2 resenhas | Jul 23, 2022 |
Come il primo è un libro scorrevole, per quanto l'ambientazione e lo svolgimento non aggiungano nulla di nuovo al mondo del fantasy
Clippi94 | outras 2 resenhas | Jul 23, 2022 |


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