Foto do autor

Irving and Jean (Eds) STONE

0 Membros 0 Reviews

About the Author

Disambiguation Notice:

(eng) Irving Stone and Jean Stone are two separate authors. If your book links to this page, please enter just one of them as the author, and the other in the "Other Authors" field. In time, the book will then appear on both authors' pages. Do not combine this entry with either individual author.

Conhecimento Comum

Data de nascimento
1903-07-14 (Irving)
Data de falecimento
1989-08-26 (Irving)
Locais de residência
Los Angeles, California, USA
Aviso de desambiguação
Irving Stone and Jean Stone are two separate authors. If your book links to this page, please enter just one of them as the author, and the other in the "Other Authors" field. In time, the book will then appear on both authors' pages. Do not combine this entry with either individual author.
