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freixas | Mar 31, 2023 |
freixas | Mar 31, 2023 |
Um prazer rever esses personagens que alegraram minha infância. A história é um pouco confusa, personagens demais para se mostrar em um só volume mas... quem se importa? ♡
tarsischwald | Oct 23, 2021 |
I think it captured the voice and ideology of Ozymandias very well. He was billed as a super genius in the original story, so it was nice to see where he came from and how he ended up. His frustration with Dr. Manhattan was something that should've been explored a bit more. Loved the homage to P.B. Shelley though, especially how they integrated the poem into his exploits and psyche.

Did not enjoy Crimson Corsair. Enjoyed the Ozymandias portion only.
bdgamer | outras 9 resenhas | Sep 10, 2021 |
I admit I have a weakness for Ozymandias, which probably bumps up the rating here more than it should. He's a fascinating character. There's some mind-bogglingly dumb things in this comic - like somehow making Bubastis on accident when trying to create a giant alien squid beast? - and it really doesn't contribute to the world or character at all - its just more of the same.

I was never a fan of Tales of the Black Freighter in the original Watchmen, but I understood and appreciated how it mirrored the narrative of the book. Crimson Corsair doesn't do that - its just filler to me, and uninteresting.

I was surprised how much I liked Dollar Bill's story. It was simple but actually felt new.
kaitlynn_g | outras 9 resenhas | Dec 13, 2020 |
Actually, I would give it 3.5 out of 5 stars, but as I have said before, no fractions here on GoodReads.

You can read my full review on my blog. Click on the link:
bloodravenlib | outras 9 resenhas | Aug 17, 2020 |
This you very much!

Elvis, as seen through the eyes of illustration based on quotes by and about the King. I gotta kick out of "Baby Elvis". Great literature? No. Fun read, yes!
drjmallen | Oct 9, 2019 |
One of the best far future graphic novels ever written.
BruceCoulson | Jul 11, 2019 |
Maybe I shouldn't have read Ozymandias's prequel first.

He was the most interesting character to me in Watchmen--he's an incredibly smart guy who makes such irrational, stubborn decisions. Which is one of those big traps for people who like to think of themselves as giftedly intelligent; thinking that you are too smart to be irrational, make mistakes, listen to people. And haha, that's exactly when you make irrational mistakes that you could have avoided if you just listened. And if you do that enough times, it's enough to make a "good guy" the big bad. Or is he? Was he right? Bwahahhahaha! Oh Ozymandias, I look upon your works and despair.

But anyway, Before Watchmen: Ozymandias, though it has really beautiful art, was just kind of a blah story. Like, he misses his mom, his girlfriend got fridged, he travels Asia, becomes super rich, like... if I didn't know anything about a superhero in any given comic book I would make the same story, basically... which I guess, is Batman? But still, nothing too exciting. It was like, "Well, I don't really have an idea for the Ozymandias prequel, but I can come up with a story that's not terrible," and it was like, okay, good enough.

Received free from Netgalley
BUT the other two stories here, about the Crimson Corsair and Dollar Bill, were very entertaining! If you thought that kids reading pirate comics instead of superhero comics in Watchmen was kind of weird, well, they were reading Crimson Corsair comics and Crimson Corsair comics are fuckin' badass. More badass than any superhero comic I can think of, with escalating levels of awesome ludicrousness. Dollar Bill's story was pretty good, but... really his story could be told in six words: "Superhero's cape gets caught. Gets shot." And that would be all you needed to know about this hapless, sweet guy.
Joanna.Oyzon | outras 9 resenhas | Apr 17, 2018 |
Makes me wonder why they did not start with this book, instead of the original #1.
Glaucialm | Feb 18, 2016 |
I thought Ozymandias' story was interesting. I could see how he got sucked into his plan and believing it was the only way to save the world. Ozymandias definitely led an interesting life and even though at first I was just reading it b/c I had plans to read all their stories I did enjoy it.

As far as Crimson Corsair goes, to be honest I had completely forgotten about that separate story line from Watchmen. I wasn't a big fan of the original component and this while slightly more appealing to me still didn't thrill me. There is nothing overtly wrong with it, and the artwork was pretty good, it just wasn't for me and putting it in with Ozymandias didn't really make sense to me either.

The Dollar Bill short at the end was also interesting. I liked getting another perspective on the beginnings of the Minutemen.
Rosa.Mill | outras 9 resenhas | Nov 21, 2015 |
I thought Ozymandias' story was interesting. I could see how he got sucked into his plan and believing it was the only way to save the world. Ozymandias definitely led an interesting life and even though at first I was just reading it b/c I had plans to read all their stories I did enjoy it.

As far as Crimson Corsair goes, to be honest I had completely forgotten about that separate story line from Watchmen. I wasn't a big fan of the original component and this while slightly more appealing to me still didn't thrill me. There is nothing overtly wrong with it, and the artwork was pretty good, it just wasn't for me and putting it in with Ozymandias didn't really make sense to me either.

The Dollar Bill short at the end was also interesting. I liked getting another perspective on the beginnings of the Minutemen.
Rosa.Mill | outras 9 resenhas | Nov 21, 2015 |
I thought Ozymandias' story was interesting. I could see how he got sucked into his plan and believing it was the only way to save the world. Ozymandias definitely led an interesting life and even though at first I was just reading it b/c I had plans to read all their stories I did enjoy it.

As far as Crimson Corsair goes, to be honest I had completely forgotten about that separate story line from Watchmen. I wasn't a big fan of the original component and this while slightly more appealing to me still didn't thrill me. There is nothing overtly wrong with it, and the artwork was pretty good, it just wasn't for me and putting it in with Ozymandias didn't really make sense to me either.

The Dollar Bill short at the end was also interesting. I liked getting another perspective on the beginnings of the Minutemen.
Rosa.Mill | outras 9 resenhas | Nov 21, 2015 |
I thought Ozymandias' story was interesting. I could see how he got sucked into his plan and believing it was the only way to save the world. Ozymandias definitely led an interesting life and even though at first I was just reading it b/c I had plans to read all their stories I did enjoy it.

As far as Crimson Corsair goes, to be honest I had completely forgotten about that separate story line from Watchmen. I wasn't a big fan of the original component and this while slightly more appealing to me still didn't thrill me. There is nothing overtly wrong with it, and the artwork was pretty good, it just wasn't for me and putting it in with Ozymandias didn't really make sense to me either.

The Dollar Bill short at the end was also interesting. I liked getting another perspective on the beginnings of the Minutemen.
Rosa.Mill | outras 9 resenhas | Nov 21, 2015 |
Another great installment in the Before Watchmen series. It focuses primarily on Ozymandias and fleshes out why he has such disdain for Dr. Manhattan, it also touches on his childhood and why he became a masked crime fighter. Also included in this collection is Crimson Corsair, the story of a pirate, the Flying Dutchman, and the price one pays to get his soul back. In the original graphic novel, Watchmen, the little boy on the street corner is always reading this comic. It's really cool that they brought it to life here. Also as a bonus, there is a little section on the rise and fall of Dollar Bill, it's not huge, but it's very enlightening.
ecataldi | outras 9 resenhas | May 28, 2015 |
I don't know if this is allowed but I'm going to post the same review for each volume in the Nexus Archives. This series is top of the line comic book writing. It's science fiction but it also has wonderful characterization,world building, politics and religion all thrown into the mix to create a one of a kind comic book series. Really, I've read many comics over the years and nothing comes close. The art as drawn by Steve Rude is absolutely wonderful too. He has a very clean line and expressions are fit to a tee. Some other artists have picked up where Steve had to let off for a while and while they don't do as well as Steve they still are all right . Paul Smith is one who does very well. Highly recommended... if you pick it up from Amazon you can get it for quite a bit less than the $50.00 cover price.
wtim | May 3, 2009 |
I don't know if this is allowed but I'm going to post the same review for each volume in the Nexus Archives. This series is top of the line comic book writing. It's science fiction but it also has wonderful characterization,world building, politics and religion all thrown into the mix to create a one of a kind comic book series. Really, I've read many comics over the years and nothing comes close. The art as drawn by Steve Rude is absolutely wonderful too. He has a very clean line and expressions are fit to a tee. Some other artists have picked up where Steve had to let off for a while and while they don't do as well as Steve they still are all right . Paul Smith is one who does very well. Highly recommended... if you pick it up from Amazon you can get it for quite a bit less than the $50.00 cover price.
wtim | May 3, 2009 |
I don't know if this is allowed but I'm going to post the same review for each volume in the Nexus Archives. This series is top of the line comic book writing. It's science fiction but it also has wonderful characterization,world building, politics and religion all thrown into the mix to create a one of a kind comic book series. Really, I've read many comics over the years and nothing comes close. The art as drawn by Steve Rude is absolutely wonderful too. He has a very clean line and expressions are fit to a tee. Some other artists have picked up where Steve had to let off for a while and while they don't do as well as Steve they still are all right . Paul Smith is one who does very well. Highly recommended... if you pick it up from Amazon you can get it for quite a bit less than the $50.00 cover price.
wtim | May 3, 2009 |
I don't know if this is allowed but I'm going to post the same review for each volume in the Nexus Archives. This series is top of the line comic book writing. It's science fiction but it also has wonderful characterization,world building, politics and religion all thrown into the mix to create a one of a kind comic book series. Really, I've read many comics over the years and nothing comes close. The art as drawn by Steve Rude is absolutely wonderful too. He has a very clean line and expressions are fit to a tee. Some other artists have picked up where Steve had to let off for a while and while they don't do as well as Steve they still are all right . Paul Smith is one who does very well. Highly recommended... if you pick it up from Amazon you can get it for quite a bit less than the $50.00 cover price.
wtim | May 3, 2009 |
I don't know if this is allowed but I'm going to post the same review for each volume in the Nexus Archives. This series is top of the line comic book writing. It's science fiction but it also has wonderful characterization,world building, politics and religion all thrown into the mix to create a one of a kind comic book series. Really, I've read many comics over the years and nothing comes close. The art as drawn by Steve Rude is absolutely wonderful too. He has a very clean line and expressions are fit to a tee. Some other artists have picked up where Steve had to let off for a while and while they don't do as well as Steve they still are all right . Paul Smith is one who does very well. Highly recommended... if you pick it up from Amazon you can get it for quite a bit less than the $50.00 cover price.
wtim | May 3, 2009 |
I don't know if this is allowed but I'm going to post the same review for each volume in the Nexus Archives. This series is top of the line comic book writing. It's science fiction but it also has wonderful characterization,world building, politics and religion all thrown into the mix to create a one of a kind comic book series. Really, I've read many comics over the years and nothing comes close. The art as drawn by Steve Rude is absolutely wonderful too. He has a very clean line and expressions are fit to a tee. Some other artists have picked up where Steve had to let off for a while and while they don't do as well as Steve they still are all right . Paul Smith is one who does very well. Highly recommended... if you pick it up from Amazon you can get it for quite a bit less than the $50.00 cover price.
wtim | May 3, 2009 |
I don't know if this is allowed but I'm going to post the same review for each volume in the Nexus Archives. This series is top of the line comic book writing. It's science fiction but it also has wonderful characterization,world building, politics and religion all thrown into the mix to create a one of a kind comic book series. Really, I've read many comics over the years and nothing comes close. The art as drawn by Steve Rude is absolutely wonderful too. He has a very clean line and expressions are fit to a tee. Some other artists have picked up where Steve had to let off for a while and while they don't do as well as Steve they still are all right . Paul Smith is one who does very well. Highly recommended... if you pick it up from Amazon you can get it for quite a bit less than the $50.00 cover price.
wtim | May 3, 2009 |
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