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13 Works 802 Membros 25 Reviews


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Peaceable, truthful and simple living is not easy. The lecture gives a personal view of the way the ethical and political principles of contemporary Quakerism are related to the older spiritual tradition from which they spring, and argues that this tradition is indispensable for their continuing vitality.
PendleHillLibrary | outras 3 resenhas | May 17, 2022 |
Written by a Christian Quaker, this pamphlet explores Universalism, Christianity, and Quaker faith and reflects the author's conviction that to establish mutual respect and tolerance among faiths is to establish world peace.
PendleHillLibrary | outras 3 resenhas | Apr 25, 2022 |
The writer characterizes the essence of Quakerism as radical, charistmatic, and prophetic.
PendleHillLibrary | outras 4 resenhas | Apr 25, 2022 |
we only need 2, but did not want to lose track of c1
PAFM | outras 6 resenhas | Oct 19, 2019 |
A classic book every Quaker needs to read! Even for those who may not readily identify as "Christian," Punshon helps readers to understand our heritage. This is HIS spiritual journey, after all.

He writes with such grace. I only wish I had as strong a faith, but Punshon gives me the courage to continue to aspire to that type of communion with God.

In conclusion, he wrote: "Finally, my death is certain, but I do not regard that with fear. I am not moved to seek my own pleasure or advantage, but rather I have a sense of missed opportunity, false starts, visions of what might have been. At one and the same time, I know the possibility of perfection and that I am a sinner. Peter said, 'Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.' But the Lord did not. At a camp meeting they ask for forgiveness. In a monastery they ask for mercy. I ask to be healed" (p131).
kaulsu | outras 6 resenhas | Apr 19, 2019 |
Hope of transformation?
“God is love, as St John reminds us. This short phrase must be absorbed into the soul of anyone wishing to follow the Christian way…
I have learned more about God by being a parent than anything else in my experience….
The soul is to be understood as that which responds to God. It is wider than the mind. It includes what we are to become, as well as what we are.”
- pages 36-37
WandsworthFriends | outras 6 resenhas | May 28, 2018 |
Excellent exploration of the relationship of the Society of Friends, in all branches, to the world around us. 1987 Friends United Meeting Johnson Lecture
FriendshipFLibrary | Mar 31, 2016 |
One of John Punshon's best writings. Based on his 1990 Swarthmore Lecture.
FriendshipFLibrary | outras 3 resenhas | Mar 23, 2016 |
Thoughtful and articulate exploration of Quakerism by a highly respected English Quaker.
FriendshipFLibrary | outras 6 resenhas | Mar 22, 2016 |
Silence is a key characteristic of Quaker worship. The author shares his experience of learning to wait in the silence and find God. Perfect for seekers, inquirers and seasoned Friends.
DevizesQuakers | outras 6 resenhas | Dec 3, 2015 |
Eloquent description of the author's faith and practice as a Christian Quaker.
FriendshipFLibrary | outras 3 resenhas | Nov 14, 2015 |
Very helpful exploration of the unique position occupied by the Religious Society of Friends inside the "big tent" of Christianity.
FriendshipFLibrary | outras 4 resenhas | Nov 11, 2015 |
An excellent modern description of the peculiar place Quakerism occupies within the larger tent of Christianity.
LloydLeeWilson | outras 4 resenhas | Jun 7, 2015 |
Attempts to articulate the essence of contemporary evangelical Friends.
PendleHillLibrary | Apr 16, 2015 |
This was a slow book to digest, but worth the read. I now know the difference between silence and stillness and hopefully will practice the latter.
Tess_W | outras 6 resenhas | Apr 6, 2015 |
Punshon offers the outline of a Quaker Christian theology, showing how Quakerism is related to but differs from other forms of Christianity, and thus is an alternative form of Christianity. He believes it is vital that Friends understand this theology, to maintain the central Quaker traditions. Friends should avoid a diversion either toward the evangelical Quakers and other forms of Christianity or toward the rejection of Christianity on the basis or rejecting those other forms of Christianity. His version of Quaker Christian theology seems to accept all the basic Christian doctrine, but differs on the basis of the practices of religion, on ways of worship, and on the understanding that the Bible must be interpreted by illumination of the Light Within. Punshon believes Quaker Christianity culminates in the assertion that all the theology of church, scripture, ministry, etc., is servant to the basic Quaker conception of the Christian faith as prophecy, the proclamation of God's goodness, justice, and love, as the immediate and eternal work of the Holy Spirit.
Punshon writes clearly enough, but to this Friend there seem to be several confusions about how the Christian creed can be essential but we do not impose a creedal test on members, how one's attitude to war is a clearer indication of the ground of one's faith than any creed but Quakers are definitely Christians, and so forth.
QuakerReviews | outras 4 resenhas | Mar 29, 2015 |
In this pamphlet, Punshon posits a crisis of identity for unprogrammed Quakerism, between universalism and Quaker Christianity. Punshon argues that Quakers must be Christian because Christian doctrine is the Truth, and also early Quakers were Christians. He argues doctrine, rather than helps us open to the guidance of the Spirit. There are interesting points here, but in a way, it shows why the Quakers eschewed doctrinal debate and argument; these lead away form the experience of the Presence rather than lead to it. More than a passionate defense of Quakerism as Christian, it feels not only argumentative, but aggressive at times. While he posits his definition of universalism, he does not attempt a balanced presentation of both points of view.
QuakerReviews | outras 3 resenhas | Mar 21, 2015 |
I've read one other of Punshon's books and find him a solid writer, very readable and careful with his details. Quaker history is the history of the English Civil War, the influence of William Penn's Quaker colony on the new American government, and the rise and fall of the various versions of European and American Protestantism. With a reputation for dedication, skill in peace negotiations, and fair dealings, Quakers have exercised far more influence in international affairs than their numbers (only about 300,000 worldwide) would suggest. Punshon does an admirable job of condensing over 350 years into less than 300 pages. A reader who is interested in learning about the background of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) will find Punshon's version accessible and reasonably complete. It is not a thrilling read, but adept enough to hold the interest of someone who is interested in its topic.½
bookcrazed | outras 2 resenhas | Jan 17, 2012 |
Bravo for situating the history of the Quakers in the broader context of philosophy, politics, and religion of the 18C, 19C, 20C, and taking a quick shot at what the 21C may look like for Quakers! It feels good to look back in history and to look outward from Quakerism itself. Hooray for context.
woofrock | outras 2 resenhas | Jul 9, 2009 |
Excellent exposition of one man's Quaker journey.
woofrock | outras 6 resenhas | May 18, 2009 |
Christianity > Christianity > Religion > Sects and cults
FHQuakers | outras 3 resenhas | Feb 13, 2018 |
BirmFrdsMtg | outras 3 resenhas | Mar 12, 2017 |
BirmFrdsMtg | outras 4 resenhas | Mar 11, 2017 |
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