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Signe Pike

Autor(a) de The Lost Queen

5 Works 998 Membros 38 Reviews


Obras de Signe Pike


Conhecimento Comum

Data de nascimento
20th Century
Local de nascimento
Ithaca, New York, USA
Cornell University



A little less than 4 stars, rounded up. The story drew me in and kept me entertained and I do plan on reading the rest of the books in the series. I felt like the writing was almost too simplistic (I just looked to check that it wasn't considered a "young adult" book) but I may feel that way because the book I finished previously was long (and part of a longer series) and quite detailed. We are also told numerous times in the book that the main character is so clever but there isn't much if any evidence of her actually being clever (I hope this changes in the next book). There were a few times that she does something, is told to never do that again, promises not to, and then immediately does it again which was frustrating. Overall entertaining but could have been much better.… (mais)
Fatula | outras 20 resenhas | Oct 2, 2023 |
Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the copy in exchange for my honest review.

I liked this book much more than the first one! The first one wasn't bad but it was much slower with a lot of background, building, and character development (which was needed for this book). This one started right in on the action and I loved it! There are multiple character POV which I liked as well and, something that I found interesting, is that the times of those POV weren't always happening at the same time; it was interesting to jump around and go backward and forward in time depending on which POV you were reading. I am really excited for the third book now!… (mais)
Fatula | outras 11 resenhas | Sep 25, 2023 |
Quotes, notes and snippets:
My husband and King had locked me in the blinding dark. And now I call upon my ancestors to give me the power of sight.
untitled841 | outras 20 resenhas | Jul 3, 2023 |
Book editor Signe Pike was unhappy with working a corporate daily grind. Things come to a head when her father dies, leaving Signe confused about her ambivalent relationship with him and intensely grieving. She wants to recapture her childhood’s happy times, which felt magical.

After a trip to Mexico lures her into thinking that nature spirits might exist and desperately wanting to find proof that will restore the enchantment of her childhood, Signe books a trip to England, the Isle of Man, Ireland, and Scotland. In the U.K., she meets a quirky cast of characters, some famous, like artist Brian Froud. She finds an assortment of believers and unbelievers everywhere she goes. Some of her experiences seem psychic, while others are inexplicable.

While she admits she doesn’t find proof, she does find reasons to cling to hope. Questioning whether or not her experiences are merely her imagination, she wonders if that makes them any less real. And she does find beguiling evidence.

I enjoyed this book. Signe is a “normal” person (whatever that may be) who does seem a bit self-conscious about her quest. She pleads with us to understand she’s not crazy. But she didn’t come across to me as odd at all. Deep down inside, don’t most of us want mystery and magic in our lives?

By turns funny, sad, and poignant, the book may not convince everyone that faery folk exist. But Signe Pike’s quest makes for enjoyable reading. Finding definitive answers may be in her future, but that’s not the book’s point to me. The point is to find a passion for pursuing. We all need meaning in our lives and can all use a little help finding it. I recommend this book to anyone with an open mind and heart.
… (mais)
Library_Lin | outras 4 resenhas | Nov 1, 2022 |



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