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Navid Kermani

Autor(a) de Wonder Beyond Belief: On Christianity

37+ Works 503 Membros 20 Reviews

About the Author

Navid Kermani is a writer and scholar who lives in Cologne, Germany. He has received numerous accolades for his literary and academic work, including the 2015 Peace Prize of the German Publishers' Association, Germany's most prestigious cultural award.

Includes the name: Navid Kermani

Image credit: Navid Kermani, 2011. Photo by Manfred Sause / Wikipedia

Obras de Navid Kermani

Wonder Beyond Belief: On Christianity (2015) — Autor — 89 cópias
State of Emergency: Travels in a Troubled World (2016) — Autor — 44 cópias
Das Buch der von Neil Young Getöteten (2002) — Autor — 28 cópias
Upheaval: The Refugee Trek Through Europe (2016) — Autor — 27 cópias
Sozusagen Paris: Roman (2016) 22 cópias
Große Liebe (2014) 21 cópias
Dein Name: Roman (2011) 17 cópias
Kurzmitteilung (2007) 8 cópias

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Conhecimento Comum



Kermani sei ein anerkannter Dichter, der schon im Bundestag gesprochen und gebetet habe. So habe ich es irgendwo gelesen. Nun, er meint auch, dass die literarische Welt (vgl. das Buch: "Eine andere Welt, Bücher, die in die Zukunft weisen") von heute, damit auch er?, keinesfalls so gut sei wie vor dem Untergang des Abendlandes. Möglicherweise sieht er sich aber doch eher als neuen literarischen Fixstern des Morgenlandes.

In diesem schwer lesbaren Buch werden Buchbetrachtungen, Aphorismen, Zitate, Skizzen, Erlebnisse, Gedanken, alltägliche Dinge und Kommentare at random verbunden mit einer kleinen, schwer zu identifizierenden Handlung. Kermani mutiert zu einer namenlosen, erfolgreichen Schriftstellerin, die trauert, der alles zusammenbricht.

Lesen Sie selbst eine Weisheit mit: “Nicht das Alter, sondern der Tod ist die größte Überraschung im Leben.“

Mich ließ das Alles verwirrt und fragend zurück. Und traurig. Vielleicht ist es das Beste, was ein Buch erreichen kann. War es die Axt für das gefrorene Meer in mir, frei nach Kafka? Wohl eher nicht. Es war eine Art Kratzen auf der Eisfläche.

Erklärungen über die getroffenen Aussagen in ihrem möglichen psychotherapeutischen Kontext finde ich allerdings in einem Buch von Dr. Burkhard Hofmann: „Und Gott schuf die Angst“. Dieses Buch hätte bei der namenlosen Dichterin ja dabei sein könne, die vergessene Bücher bis S liest, um endlich Trost zu finden.
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Clu98 | Oct 1, 2023 |
An interesting book. Navid Kermani is a German of Iranian background, born in Germany. He is writing about Islam and religion in general for his 12-year-old daughter. Some of it is amazingly simple and at the same time deep. At other times not.

Both he while growing up, and his daughter now had Roman Catholic religion classes at school, with the result that he knows the Bible and not just the Koran. However, while he often says that you can't put everyone in a religion into one pot, he often speaks of Christianity when he really means Roman Catholicism, and seems unaware of certain differences in how dogma would be expressed now as opposed to twenty years ago. He also ignores aspects of Islam that don't fit his arguments.

Many of the Koran quotes he gives are very beautiful, and certainly more understandable than the translations I have tried to read.

The problem is what sort of rating to give. Parts are certainly worth 4 1/2. Others would not quite make a 3. I guess I'll stick with 3 1/2, as with all its faults, I think this book is worth reading.
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MarthaJeanne | 1 outra resenha | Aug 6, 2023 |
This book was commissioned in an unusual way. The author’s father, an Iranian physician who had immigrated to Germany years earlier, was on his deathbed. He extracted a promise from his German-born son to teach Islam to his young daughter, the dying man’s granddaughter.
Kermani was already the author of several books on Islam and Christian-Muslim dialogue, but this was different. How to catch and hold the attention of one’s own child, on the cusp of puberty? The result is a slightly-fictionalized record of their conversations, although the child’s questions and responses only appear indirectly.
The Islam Kermani depicts is multi-faceted. He draws not only on the Quran but on Sufi mysticism, particularly the poet Rūmī and the mystic scholar Ibn Arabī. The result is a tolerant and merciful way of life based on a sense of wonder. This is reinforced by frequent reference to the insights of quantum mechanics.
Kermani acknowledges the other face of Islam, the violent, authoritarian, intolerant side, but maintains that this reflects neither the Quran nor the best of the long tradition of interpretation.
He also draws frequent comparisons with Christianity and Judaism, always respectful and open-minded. As a result, I not only came away with a view of Islam quite different from the form that captures news headlines but also insights into Christianity from the perspective of a sympathetic outsider.
Nevertheless, the form of the book, which was wide-ranging, like an actual discussion, made it difficult at times to pay attention or retain what I’d read. At other times, a thought would strike me so forcefully that I had to stop and savor it for a while. One example is when he likens the universe to a long poem God sings to mankind. Thus, the long-term effect of this book will be to have served as a way of whetting my appetite to read and learn more from other sources, including more books by this author.
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HenrySt123 | 1 outra resenha | Jul 6, 2023 |
Al este de Alemania comienza una región, resquebrajada por varias guerras y catástrofes, que a los europeos sigue resultándonos ajena. Por ese territorio que atraviesa Rusia y llega a Oriente, y por las trincheras políticas y humanas que se abren a través de él, nos guía Navid Kermani. Desde Colonia —su ciudad— hacia el oeste hasta el Báltico, y luego en dirección sur, cruzando el Cáucaso, de camino a Isfahán —de donde proceden sus padres—, el viaje lo lleva por la zona de asentamiento judía de la época zarista, por las tierras de sangre de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y por la grieta que existe entre este y oeste, allí donde la Guerra Fría no ha terminado.
Kermani contempla las ruinas de culturas destruidas, así como las huellas de la devastación, tanto antigua como reciente. Pero sobre todo conoce a personas desgarradas por tener que tomar partido para encontrar un hogar y conseguir cierto bienestar. Con solo unas pinceladas, describe tiendas que se conservan como en tiempos de la Unión Soviética, cafés de moda y un ambiente distendido pese a estar cerca del frente y no poder librarse del miedo al otro, sea quien sea. Con una mirada certera que repara en detalles que hablan por sí solos, Kermani nos transporta hasta regiones olvidadas, en las que todavía hoy se sigue escribiendo la historia.
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bibliotecayamaguchi | 1 outra resenha | Dec 16, 2022 |


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