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Marek Edelman (1921–2009)

Autor(a) de The Ghetto Fights: Warsaw, 1941-43

15+ Works 119 Membros 3 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Marek Edelman in Lodz, Poland, 13 April 1983

Obras de Marek Edelman

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Conhecimento Comum

Nome padrão
Edelman, Marek
Nome de batismo
Edelman, Marek
Outros nomes
Эдельман, Марек
Data de nascimento
Data de falecimento
Local de nascimento
Gomel, Poland
Local de falecimento
Warsaw, Poland
Locais de residência
Gomel, Poland
Warsaw, Poland
Łódź, Poland
Medical University, Łódź, Poland
heart surgeon
political activist
resistance fighter
Holocaust survivor
Zuckerman, Yitzhak (colleague)
Hôpital Sterling de Łódź (Cardiologue)
Edleman, Aleksander (Fils)
Order of the White Eagle (1998)
Pequena biografia
Marek Edelman was born to a politically active Jewish family in Warsaw. Poland. His father Natan Feliks Edelman was a member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, and his mother Cecylia Edelman was a member of the Jewish Labor Bund. His mother died when he was 14, and he was looked after by staff members at the hospital where she had worked.

As a child, Edelman was a member of Sotsyalistishe Kinder Farband (SKIF), the Jewish Labor Bund’s youth group. In 1939, after Nazi Germany invaded Poland at the start of World War II, Edelman was forced along with other Jews into the Warsaw ghetto. In 1942, he helped found the Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa or ŻOB (Jewish Fighters Organization. During the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of April 19–May 16,1943, he was one of the three deputy commanders and led the revolt in the Brushmakers area, the site of one of the fiercest battles. The ZOB was outnumbered and outgunned but put up a passionate resistance. On May 8, ZOB chief commander Mordechaj Anielewicz, was surrounded by German forces and committed suicide, and Edelman stepped into his place.

He was among the last of the surviving fighters to finally escape the ghetto through the underground sewers and make their way to the "Aryan" side of Warsaw.

In the summer of 1944, he participated in the citywide Warsaw Uprising as a member of the Polish People’s Army. Afterwards, he and a group of other ŻOB fighters hid in the ruins of the city before being rescued and evacuated by other Polish partisans.
He was among the first leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising to publish his memoirs. After the war, he studied at Łódź Medical School and became a well-known cardiologist.

He married Alina Margolis, another survivor of the ghetto, with whom he had two children. His wife and children emigrated to France in the wake of anti-Semitic actions of the Polish Communist authorities in 1968, but Dr. Edelman chose to stay in Łódź. He joined the Solidarity movement and, when martial law was declared in 1981, he was interned. In 1983, he refused to take part in the official celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising sponsored by the Communist government, and instead walked with friends to the street where Anielewicz’s bunker had been located.

After the fall of Communism in 1989-1990, he became a member of various centrist and liberal parties. He also wrote books documenting the history of wartime resistance against the Nazis in Poland, including his memoir, Getto walczy: Udzial Bundu w obronie getta warszawskiego, published in 1945 (1946 English translation, The Ghetto Fights, Warsaw 1941-43).



This remarkable book, by one of the movement’s leaders, contains the heart-rending MANIFESTO TO THE POLES, issued in April 1943 by the Jewish Armed Resistance Organisation (ZOB) that organised the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising:

‘Poles, citizens, soldiers of Freedom! Through the din of German cannons, destroying the homes of our mothers, wives and children; through the noise of their machine-guns, seized by us in the fight against the cowardly German police and SS men; through the smoke of the Ghetto, that was set on fire, and the blood of its mercilessly killed defenders, we, the slaves of the Ghetto, convey heartfelt greetings to you. We are well aware that you have been witnessing breathlessly, with broken hearts, with tears of compassion, with horror and enthusiasm, the war that we have been waging against the brutal occupant these past few days.

‘Every doorstep in the Ghetto has become a stronghold and shall remain a fortress until the end! All of us will probably perish in the fight, but we shall never surrender! We, as well as you, are burning with the desire to punish the enemy for all his crimes, with a desire for vengeance. It is a fight for our freedom, as well as yours; for our human dignity and national honour, as well as yours. We shall avenge the gory deeds of Oswiecim, Treblinka, Belzec and Majdanek!

‘Long live the fraternity of blood and weapons in a fighting Poland!

‘Long live freedom!

‘Death to the hangmen and the killer!

‘We must continue our mutual struggle against the occupant until the very end!

‘Jewish Armed Resistance Organisation’
… (mais)
KenOlende | 1 outra resenha | Apr 5, 2024 |
"C'è uno spreco e un cattivo uso delle parole e delle analogie, quando si parla della Shoah: un impiego della retorica che privilegia la metafora a scapito della vita e delle vite. Si dimentica, o si ignora, che anche nel ghetto ci si innamorava, si litigava, si faceva politica, si sognava..." (fonte: Google Books)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Apr 25, 2020 |
Marek Edelman was a leading member of the ZOB (Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa) the Jewish Resistance Organisation that led the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The Ghetto Fight is his personal testimony.

Initially the collaborationist Judenrat remained committed to the prospect of the “resettlement to the east” held out to them by Nazi’s. Although the existence of Treblinka and the final solution was known to the Jewish bund it was simply not believed outside of these circles. These circumstances, combined with the illegal policy of collective responsibility ensured the relative passivity of the ghetto population.

By late 1942 however it was obvious to large sections of the population that there were no labour camps. After talks between the Jewish Bund and various Zionist political groups a joint battle organisation was formed. When The Nazi’s second push for deportations began in January 1943 it was met with concerted resistance. Poorly armed and vastly outnumbered the ZOB inflicted heavy casualties. Unable to dislodge the Jewish resistance fighter the Nazis put the Ghetto to flame. Thousands perished in the ensuing conflagration, either burning to death in the attics and hideouts or shot fleeing the flames. Edelman and a small number of insurgents escaped through the sewers to join the Polish partisans.

The Ghetto Fights is at times a harrowing read. What lifts it are the tales of individual acts of heroism, the final passages a testament to the kind of courage that is beyond imagining. It’s an important book and deserves to be more widely known.
… (mais)
P1g5purt | 1 outra resenha | May 26, 2010 |


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