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Autor(a) de Seven Deadly Sins

1 Work 64 Membros 3 Reviews


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A 1989 collection of short takes on the Seven Deadly Sins by comics writers and artists. The only woman of the fourteen is Roz Kaveney. The best is Neil Gaiman and Bryan Talbot's take on Sloth.½
nwhyte | outras 2 resenhas | Jan 14, 2022 |
Considering that this book is a mere 64 pages, I'm a bit disgusted that it took me months to read... But that's what happens with ebooks that don't have due dates - I completely forget about them the second that I can have a real book in my hands! In terms of content, at least, the book was pretty interesting, even if it wasn't very good at making sure I came back to it. The concept is that each author/illustrator duo explores one of the seven Biblical sins in short comic form, and due to the creative nature of the contributors the stories were expectedly strange. Some were so strange that I don't really remember them, but the one standout story was about sloth. The whole comic was a meta-story about the author and illustrator trying to make a comic for the anthology, but ultimately failing to do so. The concept sounds simple enough, but what made the comic memorable was that as the story progressed the writing and artwork became evermore affected by sloth, to the point that the final panels are scribbles, nonsense, and then blank. Artfully done if nothing else! Even though the collection was a whole was a weird compilation it was an interesting viewpoint back in time to the early formative days of comic greats like Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore.
JaimieRiella | outras 2 resenhas | Feb 25, 2021 |
De zeven doodzonden: hoogmoed, afgunst, vraatzucht, begeerte, woede, hebzucht en luiheid. Ieder in een strip met hoge intelligentie en slimme humor uitgedrukt. Ieder door een unieke auteur beschreven en een bijpassende tekenaar vormgegeven.

Mijn lievelingsauteurs Neil Gaiman en Alan Moore namen respectievelijk luiheid en begeerte voor hun rekening en beiden hebben mij absoluut niet teleurgesteld. Maar ook met de andere vijf strips heb ik mij kostelijk vermaakt.

Iedere strip afzonderlijk geven mij het gevoel iets uit een ondergrondse beweging te lezen of uit de alternatieve hoek. En daarbij heb ik ook het idee dat mij nogal wat opmerkingen of verwijzingen ontgaan. Maar desondanks blijft er nog heel veel over om wel bewust van te kunnen genieten.
Niekchen | outras 2 resenhas | Aug 16, 2020 |
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