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30+ Works 2,700 Membros 84 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Eric H. Cline is professor of classics and anthropology and director of the Capitol Archaeological Institute George Washington University.

Obras de Eric H. Cline

The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean (2010) — Editor — 50 cópias

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Conhecimento Comum



Very good examination of biblical mysteries based on scholarly reason written for the lay person - Cline presents different ideas, examines the evidence for or against each one, explains the limits of archeological capabilities, and proposes the most likely solution based on textual and archeological evidence, not wishful or pious thinking. If a proposed solution can be dismissed, Cline explains why. Cline emphasizes that current thinking can change anytime upon discovery of new evidence. An extensive epilogue and afterward bring the reader up to date on the situation since the book was first published. A detailed bibliography provides sources for further reading. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in historical truth.… (mais)
chibitika | outras 14 resenhas | Feb 26, 2024 |
Vreemd. Dit is een uitstekend en genuanceerd overzicht van de al jaren aanslepende discussie over het (plotse) einde van de Bronstijd in het oostelijk Middellandse Zee-gebied. Eric H. Cline (professor of ancient history and archaeology at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C.) overloopt gedetailleerd hoe er tussen 1500 en 1200 bce in dat gebied in toenemende mate connecties ontstonden in de vorm van (ruil)handel, politieke en diplomatieke uitwisselingen, culturele interactie, enzovoort. En hij schetst vooral hoe daar rond 1200 bce vrij plots een einde aan kwam. Of toch, hoe in tal van opgravingen en schriftelijke bronnen aanwijzingen zijn te vinden van wat we nu ‘disruptie’ zouden noemen. Cline is niet blind voor de vele onduidelijkheden en tegenspraken die dat bronnenmateriaal bevat, vooral in de chronologie. En terecht neemt hij afstand van de oude theorie dat golven van Zeevolkeren het Oude Nabije Oosten rond 1200 bce in de as legde. Volgens hem (en vele andere hedendaagse experts) was er sprake van een complex geheel van oorzaken (klimaat, politieke opstand, invasies, migraties, enz.) die cumulatief leidden tot een echte ‘system collapse’.
Allemaal hoogst interessant en zoals gezegd, genuanceerd benaderd. Maar dan is het wel vreemd dat zowel de titel, als de proloog en het besluit van dit boek die nuance bijna compleet negeren, en Cline boudweg beweert dat de menselijke beschaving rond 1177 bce ten einde kwam, en pas eeuwen later weer opveerde. En dat is manifest fout. Ik heb de indruk dat Cline een neus heeft voor public relations, en weet hoe hij iets met succes in de markt moet zetten. Zo is hij niet te beroerd om een parallel te trekken met onze huidige, ‘disruptieve’ tijd. In dat verband vind ik zijn slotzin zeer onrustwekkend, want die bouwt voort op denkbeelden die in de 19de eeuw erg populair waren, en vooral in heel reactionaire kringen nog altijd opgeld maken: “Soms is er een grootschalige bosbrand voor nodig om te zorgen dat het ecosysteem van een oud bos zich verjongt en tot nieuwe bloei komt”. Slik, is dat echt gemeend? Neen, ondanks de verdiensten van dit boek, moet ik dit toch een lage rating geven, want de auteur zet de historische werkelijkheid veel te veel naar zijn hand.
Meer details daarover in mijn History account op Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3234681737
… (mais)
bookomaniac | outras 48 resenhas | Feb 15, 2024 |
Professor Eric H. Cline is an archeologist, and his 2014 book, “1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed” is an effort to bring together all of the archeological and literary information available to date to explain how and why many ancient civilizations in the Aegean, Mediterranean and Near East at the end of the Bronze Age collapsed and, if not entirely disappeared, became much smaller and more insular than they had been previous to that decline. The book takes into account numerous theories about the event or events, while also taking a lot of time showing how all of those ancient kingdoms interacted, particularly with respect to international trade. I was a bit disappointed that the copious footnotes primarily cited sources, with very little in the way of bits of extraneous information that didn’t fit into the main body of the work, but that’s just my little quirk. Given that I read this some 10 years after publication, there could well be newer findings that change some of the ideas outlined in this book, but it remains highly readable for the lay reader such as myself, and the era and events described continue to fascinate thousands of years later; recommended!… (mais)
thefirstalicat | outras 48 resenhas | Feb 8, 2024 |
Fortunately, the time when Hellas was seen as the cradle of human civilization in general is definitely over. But Western historiography of ancient history still suffers from extreme myopia for everything that has to do with ancient Greece. That perhaps explains why Oxford University Press still publishes this handbook specifically dedicated to the Aegean region in the period 3,000 to 1.000 bce. Now, it has been clear for decades that the early cultures of the Cyclades, Crete and mainland Greece (Mycenae) were only marginally precursors of classical Greece, and yet we continue to look at that region and that period with a magnifying glass. This is related to with the enormous supply of archaeological material compared to other regions (which is partly the result of that Greece-myopia). Mind you, this area of research is of course absolutely fascinating: Minoan Crete, for example, still appeals to the imagination, partly because of the beautiful works of art (especially the frescoes) that it has left us. But at the same time, for this area (and for ancient antiquity in general) the source material has so many gaps that a truly reliable picture of this period is virtually impossible.
Of course, I did not read every article in this manual, nor is it intended for that. It mainly wants to reflect the state of scientific knowledge, and it succeeds in that, some articles more than others. Of course it remains rather dry material, written in academic language and with lots of footnotes; a number of articles offer no more than an extensive literature study, or a chronology of pottery types and add little. And what bothered me most editorially is that the usual archaeological time indications (for example MM2a, standing for Middle Minoan second period, first half, in concrete 1800-1750 bce) are hardly explained in the articles. This is clearly not intended for the general public.
… (mais)
bookomaniac | Jan 21, 2024 |



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