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Christopher Burns

Autor(a) de The Seashell Anthology of Great Poetry

19+ Works 153 Membros 6 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Christopher Burns

Obras de Christopher Burns

Associated Works

The Best Horror of the Year Volume Nine (2017) — Contribuinte — 73 cópias
The Year's Best Horror Stories: Series XIV (1986) — Contribuinte — 47 cópias
The Best British Short Stories 2011 (2011) — Contribuinte — 27 cópias
Cinema Futura (2010) — Contribuinte — 19 cópias
Best British Short Stories 2022 (2022) — Contribuinte — 5 cópias


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A Forced Visit
Review of the Nightjar Press chapbook (November 2021)
The department doesn't just print the original summons, it makes copies for everyone living at the same address. Only the very young are excempt, so that details are even read by school children. We are told that the system remains highly efficient because annual censuses ensure that there can be only marginal deviations from government occupancy records.

So much is known about us that the instructions could easily be issued online, but officials believe that old-fashioned protocols add an extra layer of authority. These procedures also foster surprise and unease, as it is consider politically advantageous for neighbours to watch the distinctly uniformed agents as they stride up to the selected doors.
- Opening paragraphs from A Visit to the Bonesetter
This short story envisages a future world where society has surrounded control to a central authority which keeps everyone in line with periodic dictated visits to a bonesetter." The name is derived from the early name for informally trained chiropractors or osteopaths before the practice became a formal medically trained profession. However, the new type of bonesetter is a psychological torturer who causes the subject physical pain in association with certain memories or thoughts.

This was a creepily effective metaphor for the dystopic trend in societies to give up private lives and personal freedoms for central authoritarian observation and control.

I read A Visit to the Bonesetter as part of a second batch of selections from the limited edition short story chapbooks published by Nightjar Press. Nightjar is run by Nicolas Royle, author and editor, who is probably best known for his annual selection of Best British Short Stories (2011+ and ongoing) and for the recent book-obsessive memoir White Spines: Confessions of a Book Collector (2021).
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alanteder | May 6, 2022 |
It's not easy to describe the impact of this book. On the surface, the focus of the story is the ascent of a mountain. We see the ascent through the eyes of Ernst, one of the climbers - the other is his childhood friend Hansi.

Hansi was involved in a mountain rescue after a climb went wrong. It shook him so much he determined to take on the hardest challenge he knew - to be the first to conquer the sheer north face of the Versücherin, a mountain whose name means 'Temptress'. Ernst agrees to join him - but when he tells his lover Jean he is leaving, she in turn resolves to leave her husband and go with him. She hasn't realised, however, just how dangerous the climb is; especially as Hansi, obsessed with the idea that there are other climbers getting ready to try the ascent, won't be put off by forecasts of bad weather.

The description of the climb takes up almost half the book, interleaved with flashbacks to the events which brought Ernst there. It is gripping and vivid. But as well as the story of adventure, there is so much to think about here - the nature of courage and heroism, betrayal and trust, and why people can be attracted to risk and danger. Ernst and Hansi aren't just racing against the next group of climbers - there is also a sense of a race against time with the shadow of Naziism overtaking Europe, represented here by Max, a photographer who creates heroic imagery from climbers to inspire others to determined struggle. Ernst is deeply suspicious of Max and the approaches he makes to both Jean and Hansi. But he worms himself into their group, and after the climb there he is, taking photographs that Ernst can never bring himself to look at again.

In addition to this, the writing is excellent - very simple and unflashy, but almost a masterclass in how to create an emotional mood through simple description of the environment.
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1 vote
wandering_star | Jan 18, 2015 |
Atmospheric story about a prospector searching Babel for something...
AlanPoulter | Apr 16, 2011 |
The narrator appears to be a patient in a sanatorium, but his doctor, the sinister Reismann, is interested in his dreams and the stigmata he is developing. Unsettling.
AlanPoulter | Feb 3, 2011 |

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