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Susan BischoffResenhas

Autor(a) de Hush Money

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Ethan and friends are in the NAIC school where they learn to control their superhuman talents. But all is not as it is broadcast.

A vivid, action packed narrative drives the characters through their learning, development, and mystery. Characters develop some in this story with the promise for more in future episodes.

Overall, a fun read.
catya77 | 1 outra resenha | Feb 20, 2014 |
My biggest complaint about his book is the use of multiple narrators -- especially as the "Joss" voice is identically to the "Dylan" voice.
ErikaWasTaken | outras 4 resenhas | Sep 22, 2013 |
This book falls back on two writing "tricks" I can't stand: 1) switching narrators every other chapter and 2) using cliff-hangers to build suspense. I agree with the reviews that say they wish the author would have followed the "show not tell" rule. I think that exploring some of the characters and emotions by really showing the reader what was happening would have allowed to author to remove some of the extraneous bits.

That being said, it was a quick, enjoyable read!
ErikaWasTaken | outras 13 resenhas | Sep 22, 2013 |
WOW, this was so exciting I actually had to stop and catch my breath every now and then! And I totally dreamed about Joss and Dylan last night, running around with them in the dark, helping them look out for Marco and his evil goons the whole time.

Joss and Dylan are great together, and although they are young, their story and their relationship seemed very real to me!

Both of them wanted to protect the other, but when they had to fight together, they got better and better about it each time.

The excitement never ended, until the words on the page was 'the end' and I am SO curious about what will be up with the next installment, there are still a lot of things that can happen there, especially with the NIAC spy in school.

I recommend this to all of my friends who like reading something really exciting, with lots of fights, some paranormal stuff, and mostly urban fiction. This is very well written, and kept me on the edge of my seat for the whole book.
Lexxie | outras 4 resenhas | Apr 23, 2013 |
This was a really excellent first book! These talented kids really drew me in from the first words, and I really like the way most of them think and act. I can't wait to get my hands on the second bok, as I really am ready for more :)
Lexxie | outras 13 resenhas | Apr 23, 2013 |
Not a bad little book to read. I was curious to learn more about the town and why it's home to so many people with Talents, which I suspect gets covered in the sequels. The dual narration got a little confusing at times, and I couldn't get into some of the characters. Still, I plan to pick up the rest of the series as the concept did grab me.
princess-starr | outras 13 resenhas | Mar 30, 2013 |
In this much anticipated sequel to Bischoff's Hush Money we finally get exactly what we've been waiting for--MOAR JOSS AND DYLAN! The whole he likes me, he likes me not finally comes to fruition against a backdrop of more evil plotting by Marco, which makes him a villain you more than love to hate--you want to destroy. If you thought he was awful in Hush Money, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Bischoff unwaveringly ups the stakes for all the Talents in Fairview who all want to mobilize--and want Joss to lead them. As I read this book I laughed, I cried, and I changed my mind about fifty times about what kind of Talent *I* want because she kept introducing new cool ones. This is a must read for fans of superhero romance.
kaitnolan | outras 4 resenhas | Mar 30, 2013 |
Hush Money is a good, fast paced introduction to the world of Talents. If you like YA and paranormal stuff, this looks like a good series to start reading.

The characters were entertaining and well-fleshed; the action smooth and well-handled.

Great read. =)
GaylaDrummond | outras 13 resenhas | Mar 28, 2013 |
You remember the early seasons of Smallville, back when Clark was mooning over Lana, they were all still in high school, and every week was an episode about stopping some isolated problem and the important thing was keeping his secret? If you're like me and really miss those days, Hush Money is absolutely for you. In a market that's positively flooded with stories about teen vampires or fairies, Bischoff provides a refreshing and absolutely believable world about teenagers with superpowers. Chloe Sullivan would have plenty of fodder for her Wall of Weird--in the best possible way!

In this debut novel, heroine Joss must come to question the deeply ingrained secret keeping behavior she's always lived by in order to do the right thing and help a friend who's being blackmailed by the class bully. Joss was so three-dimensional, I swear she had a locker next to mine in high school. She shared my disgust of the pink and girly, and she has this great crush on borderline bad-boy Dylan (who is exactly the right mix of rebellious and nice guy). I can't wait to see what Joss and her friends get up to in the next installment!

An absolute must read from this up and comer in the YA genre.
kaitnolan | outras 13 resenhas | Mar 28, 2013 |
Um, can I say MOAR ETHAN PLEASE? Fun, quick jaunt into the dark world of the State Schools. A nice tide me over until Heroes Til Curfew. And seriously...Susan...more Ethan...
kaitnolan | 1 outra resenha | Mar 28, 2013 |
I found "Hush, Hush" exciting but a bit short. "Heroes 'Til Curfew "is incredibly intense, stressful and the perfect right length to let the reader enjoy the company of all the characters.
Moreover, in this volume, the reader has no time to be bored or to catch his breath before he is taken on a new adventure. So, I really want a third installment to find out what will happen ... A thrilling and engaging serie !

I enjoyed the variety of emotions that go through you during your reading with some terribly, distressing peaks in the final pages. The writing and story proposed by the author is much more darker and dangerous than the previously one imagined in an already blackish "Hush, Hush."

The novel starts yet gently focusing on the progress taking place in the relationship between Dylan and Joss. Gradually, you can feel the sexual tension moving between the two protagonists, but there is also, in parallel, a new strength built in their relationship. Joss opens herself more and learns to trust the young man. They share their past, their family history and Dylan manages to succeed without feeling like the emasculated boy who is dating superwoman. They accept themselves like they are and it is a beautiful lesson in love.

Then the reader takes a look at the group dynamics with different talents that are organized in band like X-Men: good against evil. But with powers more sharpened and really useful to do evil on Marco's side. We discover new characters with new abilities and you can not help but shudder in scenes of patrols where Joss, Dylan and the others find themselves trapped.

I was very touched and surprised by the darkness of the atrocities portrays by the author in a book for teenagers or young adults. Quite difficult scenes that we do not expect to find in supernatural stories either.

Affected in a good way. I almost stopped reading beacause I was screaming inside my head "No, no, it can not happen!" With butterflies in my stomach, tripe taken by the intensity of the scenes described in the shop of Joss's father.

But it's also the fact that I physically react when reading that interested me. I lived through the events as if I were with the characters and that's the sign, for me, of some wonderful writen skills.
Congrats to Susan Bischoff ! Both her stories are amazingly pleasant and disturbing at the same time.
If I was excited by "Hush, Hush", I was swift off my feet by "Heroes' Til Curfew". I really liked the whole series. Pending the further adventures of Joss and Dylan, I'll throw myself on "Impulse Control.".
"Talent Chronicles," a wonderful series ... I'm a huge fan!

Read more on my blog:

luciefuentes | outras 4 resenhas | Feb 15, 2012 |
A first volume rather short but dense with lots of actions. Scenes of harassment, touching and silly teens bad decision mix with big fight against the government and the use of supernatural powers in impressive scenes. Or at least in my imagination they were "impressive" as if I was in a movie.

I admit I put a little time to understand the relationship between the commando training like Rambo, the strict side of Joss's family and the paranoia of Joss herself to link those strange behaviours with the atrocities committed by Marco and his dark side. Once, I've collected all the evidence , I devoured this book.

I just was surprised by the abrupt end ponctuated just with: "You are so not the boss of me." It was a funny retort on Dylan's part. At the same time, I expected more details about the rest of the story. So, I was a little frustrated so read so fast the arrival of "The End". This is proof that I was immersed in my reading and that I had not had enough...
I immediately downloaded "Heroes' Til Curfew" on my Kindle to be able to follow the adventures of Joss, Kate, Dylan, Eric and Marco ...
A good book to escape!

Read more about this book:

luciefuentes | outras 13 resenhas | Feb 2, 2012 |
Joss is a kick ass character that gained a lot respect from readers with nature leaders and heroine persona that was revealed Hush Money. Hereos ‘til Curfew offers the same action packed and powerful read that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. As the romance between Joss and Dylan accelerates in this book readers will relish in the developments that were lacking in Hush Money. As their love continues to grow Joss and Dylan will find that their lists of enemies are growing quickly. As desperate times call for desperate measures they will find themselves closer to be discovering discovered than ever before. Now they will have to decide if they have the power to be on the offensive and protect themselves. The ending of Heroes ‘til Curfew will wrap up the story we began in Hush Money, as well as, set building blocks for more.

BookWhisperer | outras 4 resenhas | Sep 20, 2011 |
Reviewed by

I purchased this on my nook for $0.99, and it was worth a whole lot more! This was book was incredible. The story follows Joss and Dylan, two "Talents", people who have supernatural abilities in a world where they are shunned and taken. Joss wants nothing more than to be invisible to the outside world, but Dylan notices her. Joss struggles with her own wants and needs, and the desire to please her family. Dylan is caught up in a dangerous relationship of his own that he needs to get out of. The book flowed beautifully, the character development was extremely impressive, and the plot line was awesome. This is a must have for readers! 5 out of 5 stars! Cant wait for the next one!
nelliebly1025 | outras 13 resenhas | Jun 8, 2011 |
This book was so-so. I didn't really understand it. If the author hadn't left as many loose ends in this, I wouldn't have minded. But to be honest, you need to solve SOME things before you end the book. You can't just leave everything for the sequel. Still, it was okay.½
lyricaltwin | outras 13 resenhas | Apr 10, 2011 |
Joss has no friends, no extracurricular activates, and even keeps her grades average. Joss has been trained to blend in. Standing out in this town will sure lead to being taken away by the NIAC to a state school. Joss is a talent; that is she can move things with her mind. Anyone with a special ability is called a talent, and anyone caught using a talent will be taken away never to return. Everything is running smoothly for joss until she gets an unwanted best-friend Kat. Kat ends up getting blackmailed by the biggest bully in school, Marco. Joss has to decide wither she’s going to help Kat or leave her to fend for herself. Joss already knows the dangers friends can bring and Marco’s already after Joss for rejecting him years ago. To make matters more complicated Joss’ long time crush Dylan has started talking to her. But Dylan’s best friend is Macro and Joss doesn’t know if she can trust him. Will Marco win and get Kat hauled off by the NIAC? Is Dylan trust worthy? Will NIAC find out Joss’ secret?

I was rather impressed by this book. In fact I absolutely loved it! Susan Bischoff can write a wicked story of superhero’s and romance. I wish the book didn’t end so abruptly but since this is just the first book (of hopefully many) I was ok with it. I’m dying for the second book and hope that Susan Bischoff is busy at work writing it.
Piper3 | outras 13 resenhas | Feb 10, 2011 |
This review was originally posted on my review blog :

Joss has been trained by her father to blend in, not be noticed, let no one know her secrets. It's the only way Talents like her and her family can keep under the radar of the NIAC. No one wants to be dragged away to the State School. It's always been easy to push people away and know that they would leave her alone. Eat alone at lunch, walk home alone, it's just part of her daily routine. When she meets Kat, that all changes. She can't get rid of this girl if her life depended on it. She goes so far as to tell the girl to go away, that she doesn't want any friends, but Kat won't stand for it. Kat is determined to bring Joss out of her shell.

When Kat starts getting blackmailed by the biggest bully in school, Marco, Joss finds herself beginning to worry about her. Marco is bad news, he's been out to get Joss ever since she rejected him years ago. He's always had a huge crush on her, but Joss can see what kind of person he is, and even if she were allowed to date, she wouldn't want to date him. On the other hand, she'd love to date his best friend, Dylan. Dylan is cute, and while he's the best friend of the biggest bully, he's always seemed far less hostile.

I loaned this book from another Kindle user, not even realizing that it was a self-published book. The gorgeous cover alone had me, even before I read the synopsis. After I read that, it sealed the deal for me. I can never turn up a paranormal type book. I sped through this book pretty quickly. It was a short read, but it was well worth the time I put into it. Susan Bischoff clearly has talent, and I'm surprised she hasn't been picked up by some big time publisher yet. I just hope that she gets the credit she deserves for such a well written story.

I really enjoyed all of the supernatural talents in this book, but don't want to give away too much. It's just safe to say that there is telekinesis, invisibility, laser vision, and even super strength all rolled up into this fantastic book. There was so many little stories all looping together, and surprisingly they meshed very well. I thought I would get confused, but Bischoff interwove each little piece perfectly to create one giant story that makes you want to keep turning the pages. Unfortunately there was an end to this book, but just knowing that this is only the first of many, excites me!

One thing I have to say I didn't enjoy about this book was the ending. To be honest, there really wasn't an ending. It just simply stopped, and that kind of upset me. I wanted a little bit more closure to this first book in the Talent Chronicles. I'm just hoping that Bischoff can redeem this short ending with a phenomenal second installment. I'm hoping to get my hands on the next in the series, it will be called Heroes, and will hopefully be released within the next couple of weeks.
jenni7202 | outras 13 resenhas | Jan 18, 2011 |
I'm normally not one for shorter books. I always feel that there isn't enough time to develop the characters, build the world, create relationships, ect. Well, Susan Bischoff has blown my theory out of the water! This book was just as amazing as any full length novel. Each character was rich, and vibrant, and just bounced off the page. The world she created, of talents that had to hide themselves from the world so they didn't get caught, was entertaining and very easy to relate to. Each character was just like you or me, only they have to hide a secret bigger that the ones we might have to hide, because their freedom depends on it.

Joss was a great main character, she was scared and insecure, but also full of inner-strength, and she really grew into herself as the book progressed. Marco was a great bully, one of the ones that you love to hate! Kat was a quirky individual that reminded me of a few of my friends. Dylan was a great male lead/love interest. He wasn't the stereotypical perfect male that we see a lot in YA. He was flawed, and struggled to be a good guy, but sometimes made some very bad mistakes. He was also sweet and strong, and their relationship blossomed at a very realistic rate.

Overall, this was a fantastic read! Action packed and suspenseful from the first page to the very last. I loved all the different powers that were displayed! I can't wait to see where Susan Bischoff takes this series next! It's going to be an amazing ride and I plan to read it as soon as I can possibly get my hands on it! I recommend this one to any YA, paranormal, or super-hero lover (and who doesn't love super-heroes???)!
dukesangel002 | outras 13 resenhas | Oct 4, 2010 |
I have one word for this book...awesome! I loved everything about it--the voice, the story, the writing style, the dialogue, and the characters. All were great. I really can’t think of anything I didn’t like.

The writing style and voice of this story grabbed me from the beginning. The teenage dialogue was fantastic and believable with just the right amount of snark. The characters were flawed but very likeable and fleshed out. You can see how Dylan and Jocelyn (Joss) grow and change throughout the story, both personally and in their relationship to each other.

The story narration switches back and forth between the first person point-of-view of the two main characters, Joss and Dylan. Each section where the POV switches begins with the character’s name and that was very helpful to keep focus on which character was narrating. I really enjoy the dual POV as it allows me to see how each character interprets what is going on in the story.

The plot moved along swiftly and was paced well with plenty of action and interaction between the characters. It kept my interest and I didn’t want to put it down.

I did sort of wonder if there is a reason for all these kids to have special powers. Usually there is something that triggers a superhero power like Spiderman getting bitten by a spider or the Incredible Hulk with the gamma waves. I also wondered why there is such a large concentration of Talents in this particular area. Hmmm… hopefully all will be revealed eventually in future books. I really look forward to seeing more of Joss and Dylan’s growing relationship and the adventures of the whole “Talented” gang. Though the story arc for this particular book was mostly wrapped up at the end, there are definitely some unresolved issues and a little cliffhanger action going on that will make you eager for the next book, Heroes ‘Til Curfew.

If you like YA fiction with a superhero type theme (think Heroes TV show or X-Men movies) and a wee bit of romance then I highly recommend giving this book a try.

Rating: 5 – I LOVED IT!
mishmelle | outras 13 resenhas | Sep 27, 2010 |
This is a great start to a brand new series about superheros. Well, about teenagers with superhero powers.

I love the world that Ms. Bischoff has created, and her characters are wonderful. Gosh, Marco is just SO EVIL! I'm very excited to see how this story progresses and how the characters will grow. I think it has the makings of a fantastic series that people will fall in love with.

Joss is such a strong characters, trying her hardest to remain anonymous and do what her family asks of her. Dylan the delinquent is tired of being on "the wrong side of the track", if you know what I mean. I think they have great chemistry and look forward to seeing them together more.

The ending was quite blunt, but at the same time there was action right up till the last sentence. I need more though, NOW. Go check this out if you like superheroes, or love stories, or stories about superheroes falling in love. It's awesome!

5/5 Stars!
MissHavoc | outras 13 resenhas | Aug 26, 2010 |
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