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The Cambridge Companion to War Writing

de Kate McLoughlin (Editor)

Outros autores: Sarah Cole (Contribuinte), Valentine Cunningham (Contribuinte), Walter Hölbling (Contribuinte), David Jasper (Contribuinte), Will Kaufman (Contribuinte)13 mais, Edward Larkin (Contribuinte), David Pascoe (Contribuinte), Adam Piette (Contribuinte), L.V. Pitcher (Contribuinte), Patrick Quinn (Contribuinte), Mark Rawlinson (Contribuinte), John R. Reed (Contribuinte), Gillian Russell (Contribuinte), Corinne Saunders (Contribuinte), Hew Strachan (Contribuinte), Trudi Tate (Contribuinte), Jeffrey Walsh (Contribuinte), Philip West (Contribuinte)

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War writing is an ancient genre that continues to be of vital importance. Times of crisis push literature to its limits, requiring writers to exploit their expressive resources to the maximum in response to extreme events. This Companion focuses on British and American war writing, from Beowulf and Shakespeare to bloggers on the 'War on Terror'. Thirteen period-based chapters are complemented by five thematic chapters and two chapters charting influences. This uniquely wide range facilitates both local and comparative study. Each chapter is written by an expert in the field and includes suggestions for further reading. A chronology illustrates how key texts relate to major conflicts. The Companion also explores the latest theoretical thinking on war representation to give access to this developing area and to suggest new directions for research. In addition to students of literature, the volume will interest those working in war studies, history, and cultural studies.… (mais)

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Nome do autorFunçãoTipo de autorObra?Status
McLoughlin, KateEditorautor principaltodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Cole, SarahContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Cunningham, ValentineContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Hölbling, WalterContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Jasper, DavidContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Kaufman, WillContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Larkin, EdwardContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Pascoe, DavidContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Piette, AdamContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Pitcher, L.V.Contribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Quinn, PatrickContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Rawlinson, MarkContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Reed, John R.Contribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Russell, GillianContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Saunders, CorinneContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Strachan, HewContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Tate, TrudiContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Walsh, JeffreyContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
West, PhilipContribuinteautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado

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War writing is an ancient genre that continues to be of vital importance. Times of crisis push literature to its limits, requiring writers to exploit their expressive resources to the maximum in response to extreme events. This Companion focuses on British and American war writing, from Beowulf and Shakespeare to bloggers on the 'War on Terror'. Thirteen period-based chapters are complemented by five thematic chapters and two chapters charting influences. This uniquely wide range facilitates both local and comparative study. Each chapter is written by an expert in the field and includes suggestions for further reading. A chronology illustrates how key texts relate to major conflicts. The Companion also explores the latest theoretical thinking on war representation to give access to this developing area and to suggest new directions for research. In addition to students of literature, the volume will interest those working in war studies, history, and cultural studies.

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