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Guarding the Crease (The Playmakers #9)

de G. K. Brady

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Adicionado recentemente porSarahCudlipp

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G.K. Brady has lured me in with her characters before, but this time was a little bit different. I honestly didn't know if I was going to be able to like Wyatt or be on his side. It was great that he played the knight in shining armor for Serena and he clearly had white knight tendencies. But he was also kind of a jerk. And by kind of, I mean he was a total and complete jerk.

But I also knew that if anyone could change my mind about him, it would be G.K. Brady. And I'm glad I stuck with it and gave Wyatt the chance to evolve as a character. This book had a lot of evolving happening. Because Serena had to make some adjustments to herself as well.

If you like books about second chances, changing for the better, coming into your own, and a badass alpha hero who doesn't really know how much of a hero he is, this is the book for you. Plus, Serena is a badass in her own right as well. I hope we get to see more of Serena in future books though, because I felt like we didn't get as much interaction from her side of things with other characters.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. ( )
  SarahCudlipp | Aug 8, 2023 |
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