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The Most Cunning Heart de Catherine Graham

The Most Cunning Heart (edição: 2022)

de Catherine Graham (Autor)

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Grieving and suddenly alone in the world after the loss of her parents, Caitlin Maharg leaves Canada for the seashore of Northern Ireland on a whim to study with a well-known poet. As her feelings for him deepen, the complications of his life and the haunting of her grief threaten their future. It is time travel in two ways: as both a view into Northern Ireland in the 1990s and written with Caitlin's family history criss-crossing the story, The Most Cunning Heart is subtle and poignant with beautifully drawn characters, a novel about adultery, family, grief, creativity, and how a quiet heroine learns to liberate herself.… (mais)
Título:The Most Cunning Heart
Autores:Catherine Graham (Autor)
Informação:University of Toronto Press (2022), 250 pages
Coleções:Lendo atualmente
Etiquetas:2022, 2022-release, currently-reading, seduced-by-the-title, seduced-by-the-cover

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The Most Cunning Heart de Catherine Graham

Adicionado recentemente porserru, Andrew_MC

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Grieving and suddenly alone in the world after the loss of her parents, Caitlin Maharg leaves Canada for the seashore of Northern Ireland on a whim to study with a well-known poet. As her feelings for him deepen, the complications of his life and the haunting of her grief threaten their future. It is time travel in two ways: as both a view into Northern Ireland in the 1990s and written with Caitlin's family history criss-crossing the story, The Most Cunning Heart is subtle and poignant with beautifully drawn characters, a novel about adultery, family, grief, creativity, and how a quiet heroine learns to liberate herself.

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