
Sep 21, 2020
Private Catalog
Real Name
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
This is a growing compendium for all topics and subjects that have been part of my research in "everything has everything to do with everything else". More will be added as I revisit my hard copies and digital copies of books acquired over the years.
About Me
I am a Sociopolitical Quantum Philosopher and Self-Mastery Coach. I apply this lifestyle daily, both in my private life and at my 'day job' (which is as a lounge host at a local cigar/tobbacco shop). With 18 years of Thinking Different under my belt, I am just now beginning to get a handle on what this philosophy means to *me*.

I am passionate about assisting our species through this evolution and will often be heard to say "own your own $h*t", "everything has everything to do with everything else", and "that is binary logic".

I have "Deep Dives" once a week with a couple of friends and we spend *hours* discussing what this quantum mechanical reality *means* through the lense of philosophy and psychology.

I am always open to new ideas and perspectives, so long as the 6 fundamental questions (who, what, when, where, why, how) can be asked in a Call and Response Discussion setting.
Oregon, USA
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