
May 14, 2011
Real Name
Mike Licht
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
Police procedurals, vernacular music (description and biography).
About Me
Mike Licht blogs at He has worked for federal and local cultural agencies, private industry, public radio, and associations. He writes, plays music, and is often found cavorting with other peoples’ dogs in Lincoln Park in the company of lovely Anita The Water Lady.

He is not Mike Licht the CPA and former Denver City Auditor, not Mike Licht the muscle-car expert or the poet known as “Rhyet,” not the Mike Lichts from Iowa or Illinois or Cologne or North Carolina or Puerto Rico, not the German biochemist, not the physician, not the marathon runner, not the IT account exec, not the broker in Denmark, not the architect and video game designer, not the Russian-born Yiddish poet and translator, and not the Spanish Civil War veteran.
Washington, DC
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