
Real Name
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
Mostly classics I haven't read yet, linguistics textbooks, cookbooks, knitting books, and books I read in junior high that are still hanging out.
New additions come mostly from Book Mooch and the comic book store.
About Me
I drink a lot of coffee.
I always have music playing because I hate the quiet.
Every year, I make a New Year's resolution to be more of a dork, and every year I succeed.
I don't hit people because it's not nice.
I think it's sacrilege to purposefully destroy books or musical instruments.
My younger sister and I have this bizarre fantasy where, in the future, we live together on an alpaca farm in houses connected to one another by a dining room.
I eat mayonnaise on my french fries, as well as having several other eating habits that normal people might find strange.
Rouses Point, NY
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