Real Name
Gustave Flaubert
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
My library at Librarything is based on the inventory published by the Centre Flaubert at the Université de Rouen which is an attempt to recreate my real library using a variety of sources.

This inventory was an effort of a team lead by Yvan Leclerc and whose members were Virginie Maslard, Jacqueline Thébault, Olivier Leroy, Anna Charon, Olivier Leroy, Jean-François Delesalle, Odile de Guidis, Olivier Leroy, Gisèle Séginger, Thierry Savatier, Emmanuel Vincenta and Éric Walbecq.

Data entering in Librarything by claudiadias and Kuiperdolin.

Duplicate works are not mistakes : they correspond to different editions or, in one occasion, two books of the same edition with different annotations.

As of 28/02/2011 this library is considered completed. Ring Kuiperdolin or an admin if you think something is still missing.
About Me
I was a French writer and I am counted among the greatest Western novelists. I am especially known for my first published novel, Madame Bovary (1857), and for my scrupulous devotion to my art and style.

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