
This book could be used within a lesson about the plant life cycle and gardening. With the help of this book students can tend to their own garden in the classroom and they can record their observations. (2), This book would be a great book for read aloud in class. It is a fun story that gets students creativity moving. (2), This is a great book to have in the class library for independent reading during station time. (2), I think this book is great for pleasure reading. I would just have this in my library for students to read individually. (2), fun (1), As a class students will decide what came first (1), have students list what they consider their most important needs and discuss answers. (1), In a small group (1), students will create an acrostic poem with the word Synethesia. Students will use words from the story to identify the meaning of the word within the poem. (1), This book could be a part of a culminating event in regards to the mid-autumn festival. We would read this book and investigate the culture that surrounds the mid-autumn festival and how the story in Mooncakes ties in. (1), then and last and fill out a graphic organizer with pictures from the story and a sentence created by students to describe the picture and then all of us will chorally read the sentences together. (1), Students will make a life cycle illustration of their own personal "metamorphosis". Students will be asked to bring tree photographs from three various stages of their life: a picture of mom when she was expecting (1), or of the family before the child was born; an infant or baby portrait; and a current photo (school photo). Then the students will create a picture of what they'd like to be when they grow up. Students will utilize magazines or hand drawn pictures and the (1), Share personal experience over topic: Hypothetical example: For instance (1), I tell my students that I used to work in a school district with many Vietnamese students. As they enrolled (1), the office staff gave them names like Bob (1), On cutouts of high top shoes (1), you could take students on an adventure walk around the school to see if they can identify the trees from the book in their environment. (1), Utilizing this book along with other biographies featuring young inventors students could be asked to compare their life stories and what inspired their inventions. Students could also be asked to invent something individually or in small group and presen (1), read and discuss the story with your students. Flip the idea a little bit so students can see how it feels to have a name forced upon them. Ask students to contribute two or three names from their respective cultures; try not to include names of students (1), You could use this book to investigate different poem styles and compare and contrast with other poems. (1), students could label different aspects of Texas as a whole class and discuss different adjectives used in the book to describe Texas and if that coincides with the environment they live in. (1), This story could be used to talk about the vast geography of Texas. As an activity (1), how was the shovel used/how could it be used. I would then have the students write about the three things they would take with them to another country and explain why. We would then compare and contrast the differences between the students and learn about (1), what it may feel like to leave your family and go to another country (1), I would have discussion questions prepared for after reading to the class. We would talk about why the things he brought were important (1), and straw and they would make predictions and observations of how far the rocket will travel. (1), and what they've learned from the lesson. This organizer would be completed with the whole class throughout the lesson. The students would also create a rocket out of a balloon (1), what they want to find out (1), then move on to a graphic organizer that would display what they already knew/think (1), We would first start out this lesson by reading the book (1), For this book I would have students work with a group to act out the story for the class. (1), finally the students would have an art project where they would create a piece of artwork using things that shine like in the story. (1), John or Mary. We discuss how this might have made these Vietnamese students feel. We talk about whether there are any advantages to changing students’ names and why doing so could have a negative impact. Next (1), This will help teach the students the importance of washing their hands. This book would be good as a read aloud at the beginning of school year. (1), ask volunteers to choose new names that they will use for the remainder of the day. (1), measure off the size of some of the animals that the Grouchy Ladybug encounters. Have the children draw a picture of the animal on the appropriate length strip (1), This book would be a great book for read aloud in class. (1), This book would be a fun read aloud book for the whole class. (1), This book is very informational about historical figures and can be used in a lesson about historical figures. (1), and the format of a book. For an activity students could make caterpillars and butterflies. (1), This book is useful in multiple ways such as counting (1), This book would be good to read with the students during a lesson plan about dinosaurs. (1), This story would be great to turn into a play. The students could create their own movements and dramatize the different events encountered in the story and then invite families or other classes to their "bear hunt" performance. (1), With this book students can make connections to their own lives. We can facilitate this connection by having them create their own monster. Students would be given free range on creating and designing their monsters and I'm sure would want to share their (1), and being unique which would reiterate morals while learning about owls. (1), This book would be great within in a lesson plan on nocturnal animals focusing on owls. This book is about confidence (1), This a great book to have in class library. This story explains family dynamics in a cute way. (1), This book is a great read aloud book that exhibits friendship and helping one another. (1), then find items in the class that are near the size of each animal. (1), .On strips of paper (1), I would start out with a literacy activity where the students would write their own story about a mermaid (1), This book is a pleasant book to read aloud. It helps promote kindness and treating others the way you want to be treated. (1), I would have students find key vocabulary terms in the book and point them out during discussion. Students would also utilize these terms while writing a paper about what they've learned from the lesson as well as the book. (1), As we read this book (1), For this book I would facilitate student discussion about the story with a few prompting questions. (1), students will draw a self-portrait emphasize his/her uniqueness. We are all different and still the same. (1), students can retell the story of Frederick. Students would then retell the story with their newly made mice. (1), with the mouse on the end. After all of the materials have dried (1), and popcorn. Keep in mind that the popsicle stick will need room to slide the length of the box (1), have students recreate Frederick's home using the pebbles (1), and a popsicle stick to the bottom of the tail end. Use a Sharpie marker to draw eyes and a nose. Laying the shoe boxes on their sides (1), Have students glue googlie eyes to one end of an upturned walnut shell. Glue a felt tail to the other end (1), Students would participate in Think-Pair-Share activity about a vivid memory in their mind and then students would reflect on what they read in their journal. (1), and information from the lesson. (1), Students would complete a graphic organizer displaying the different aspects of the creatures from the book. The students would have to do their own research with books (1), then they would identify different types of fish listed in the book with similarities and differences (1), you could take the activities in so many different ways. For example (1), family (1), mouse (1), bad (1), inspiring (1), dyslexia (1), construction paper (1), Clifford the big red dog (1), chain of events (1), black history month (1), wheat (1), bats (1), cookie (1), talents (1), unconditional love (1), days of the week (1), celebration (1), string (1), Friendship (1), self-esteem (1), After reading this book (1), internet (1), differences (1), teacher (1), different (1), zoo animals (1), boats (1), next (1), inspiration (1), culture (1), animals (1), good (1), friends (1), Christmas (1), Family (1), For this story (1), This book would be useful if we were having behavior issues in the classroom that needed to be addressed. While reading this story we could demonstrate positive ways to use our hands and talk about why we shouldn't participate in the negative ways. (1), the students could create a food chain that includes some of the characters from the story and investigate how the animals in the illustrations use camouflage to protect themselves from predators. (1), This story can be utilized in multiple subjects. For example (1), students would measure things in the classroom with nonstandard measuring tools and record their findings. (1), With this book you could introduce a lesson about measuring with nonstandard units. As an activity (1), This book can obviously be used for a math lesson about number sense but it can also be used as a literacy lesson about exaggeration. (1), I would use this book to demonstrate numbers in the real world. I would have students create their own number book utilizing examples in the classroom/environment around them. (1), This sweet story about being loved the way you are gives children the ability to see that everyone is special in their own way. For an activity I would facilitate a think-aloud with discussion questions comparing and contrasting everyone's strengths and h (1), especially respect and kindness. The students would be able to practice their compare and contrast skills while developing an understanding of connecting text-to-self through written processes. (1), This story would be great for students to learn character traits and themes (1), they conduct a variety of experiments to learn how wind can move different types of materials and how the wind affects their environment. (1), This book would be useful for Children develop observation and recording skills by compare and contrasting. Therefore (1), This story would be great to read as a whole class and then direct students to complete a sentence about snow. Students will be able to identify and discuss elements of a story as well as discuss and understand new vocabulary words. (1), students could participate in water related experiments to make those connections. (1), This story is great for introducing the water cycle to kindergarten and first grade. The simple text and vibrant pictures help depict the complexity of the water cycle in a way for them to understand. After reading this book (1), This story gives eight great rules for writing a story. I would have the students point out what they think the eight rules may be and then they would utilize these rules to publish their own book. (1), Spanish (1), Singsong (1), Rhymes (1), Colors (1), Steve (1), circle book (1), differances (1), bold colors (1), With this book (1), This book would be a good book to enjoy with the students if working on a lesson about historical families/people in the United States. (1), For this book (1), Girafffe (1), This would be a great introduction to a lesson on numbers and letters as review for kindergarten at the beginning of the year. (1), With this book you could use it to get kids excited about reading. I would read this on the first day of school during the reading/language arts portion of the class. (1), I think this book would be a great read aloud book for story time or to give a connection to tie into a lesson about dinosaurs. (1), I think this book would be a great introduction for a writing assignment where the kids would have to create a story of what they would do in Fred's position. (1), This book would be great to read during a literacy lesson about onomatopoeias. (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
Mar 20, 2017