SériesContributions in Medical History
10 Obras
Popularidade 71,463 (51 Membros)
63 Livros
1 Resenha
- Sex, Diet, and Debility in Jacksonian America: Sylvester Graham and Health Reform de Stephen Nissenbaum
- Shock, physiological surgery, and George Washington Crile : medical innovation in the progressive era de Peter C. English
Membros principais
bioethics (5 obras), pklinstitute (3), eileencnm (2), ChrisMontgomery (2), CBULibrary (2), style-dud (2), testing0 (2), KCAscience (1), Tomwhittakermartin (1), JDCLibrary (1), LisaCody (1), Prairie_Library (1), Goulooze (1), MWMLibrary (1), DrHutchison (1), atklyberg (1), KUglbtq (1), theparsley (1), GanneC (1), Manas1000 (1), mgharchives (1), Danielle.Gray (1), Alexiou (1), GarrickSpeer (1), CherylMcGhan (1), YaleWGSS (1), Vermont44 (1), 1964dodge (1), aplibrary (1), UICLibrary (1), wulib47 (1), mom22ninos (1), Anthrobeast (1), pensivepoet (1), vegetarian (1), angelrose (1), archiveminer (1), lycaenidae (1), ilithyiainspired (1), lostinthecosmos (1), michaelg16 (1), sallylou61 (1), marydbrown (1), aether2 (1), TLCrawford (1), edresang (1), wildrrrumpus3 (1), eromsted (1), mandyl (1), rivkat (1)