Babalon Down Under

Este grupo está oficialmente inativo. Acontece! If you want to revive this group, or create a new group on the same topic, see this page.

This a group for Australian devotees of ritual magick and Aleister Crowley. Share info about magick, ideas for ritual, and what you think of various books on the subject. If you like Golden Dawn, OTO, and AA, you may find this group a good place to hang out at Library-Thing. If you're not from Australia you can also join - we're interested in discussing things from a Southern Hemisphere perspective but most Thelemites are in the Northern, so...

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Hi1 não-lido / 1666777, Novembro 2010
Do What Thou Wilt3 por ler / 3666777, Dezembro 2008
*tap tap tap* Is thing on? ;-)2 por ler / 2poetontheone, Fevereiro 2008
Crowley - origins of your interest7 por ler / 7sailordanae, Setembro 2007
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