Pessoas/PersonagensAlbrecht von Wallenstein

Pessoas/Personagens por capa

Obras (26)

1632 de Eric Flint
Bayerische Miniaturen de Friedrich Prinz
The Cleaving of Christendom de Warren Carroll
Il demone. Magdeburg vol. 3 de Alan D. Altieri
De Dertigjarige Oorlog de allereerste wereldoorlog 1618-1648 de Dick Harrison
Die deutsche Seele de Thea Dorn
Furies: War in Europe, 1450-1700 de Lauro Martines
Geschichte Wallensteins de Leopold von Ranke
Great Captains Unveiled de B. H. Liddell Hart
Gustav Adolfs Page de Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
Gustavus Adolphus: A History of the Art of War from its Revival After the Middle Ages to the End of the Spanish Succession War, with a Detailed Account of the Campaigns of the Great Swede, and of the Most Famous Campaigns of Turrenne, Conde, Eugene, and Marlborough de Theodore Ayrault Dodge
Heroes: Saviours, Traitors and Supermen de Lucy Hughes-Hallett
Lützen 1632 de Richard Brzezinski
Oorlog, mijn arme schapen : een andere kijk op de Tachtigjarige Oorlog 1565-1648 de Ronald P. De Graaf
Ring of Fire I de Eric Flint
Schiller : Wallensteins Lager + Die Piccolomini + Wallensteins Tod + Dokumente de Ernesto Grassi
The Thirty Years War de C. V. Wedgwood
The Thirty Years War: Europe's Tragedy de Peter H. Wilson
The Thirty Years' War de Geoffrey Parker
Wallenstein de Golo Mann
Wallenstein de Alfred Döblin
Wallenstein : Feldherr des dreissigjährigen krieges de Josef V. Polišenský
Wallenstein. La tragedia di un generale nella guerra dei Trent'anni de Sergio Valzania
Wallenstein: The Enigma of the Thirty Years War de Geoff Mortimer
Who's Who in Military History: From 1453 to the Present Day de John Keegan
Österreichische Profile de Gerda Mraz